Younow~dan~FLUFFY FLUFF FLUFF~oh yep tumblr

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Heh sorry these are mostly Dan ones.

"I'm about to do my YouNow chat, love." Dan walks into his room, sits on the bed, and pushes a piece of hair away from your face.

"Oh, okay. Do I need to leave the room?" You ask, stretching your limbs, you had been dozed off.

"No, no. You can stay if you like. As long as you don't mind being in the shot a bit, or me talking for an hour." Dan chuckles, smiling his sweet smile at you.

"I don't mind." You smile.

"Okay, then." He leans down and kisses you on the forehead before moving to his desk.

It takes a few minutes to set up, but you eventually hear Dan greeting the internet in his normal fashion. You just lay there on your side, curled in a ball, hopefully able to fall back asleep. You've always loved Dan's voice, it soothes you. So listening to him talk is no problem.

"Hello internet! How are you this evening, or day, whatever it is for you?" He asks cheerfully.

You roll over onto your other side, trying to get comfortable.

"'Who is that?'" Dan reads a comment, "Well, that would be my girlfriend Y/N, well, technically that's her butt. You can't really see her very well can you?"

You raise your head and look at Dan, he's facing the webcam but pointing in your direction. You wave your hand in the shot to show that you're listening. Dan has had you on his YouNow shows before, so his fans know who you are and have seen you before.

"Should we try to get her to join me for a moment?" Dan looks back at you.

You glare at him, shaking your head and covering your face.

"Babe, no!" You whisper.

"If you want to see my absolutely gorgeous girlfriend for a minute please tell me in the chat." Dan looks back to the screen. You notice a swarm of messages with enthusiastic yes's.

"The internet has spoken! Y/N, darling, will you come over here for a moment?" Dan whips his head to look at you.

You shake your head and cross your arms. He gives you a pout and widens his eyes trying to convince you. You roll over and shove your face into the pillows, groaning all the while.

"Guys, she isn't getting off of the bed! What do I do?" Dan asks the chat in a whiny voice, "'Go pull her off the bed,' 'Go jump on her.'" He reads.

Everything grows quiet. You move your head to the side and see Dan is not in his chair. Suddenly two strong hands are grabbing onto your ankles, pulling you to the end of the bed. You laugh uncontrollably, clawing at the sheets.

"Come here!" Dan grunts as he pulls you towards him.

"Dan, let go!" You laugh.

"Never!" He declares.

You fall off of the bed and into Dan's arms. He hugs you to him.

"Please?" He asks sweetly.

"Fine." You groan.

Dan pushes himself off of the floor and sits in his chair, he pats his leg for you. You shake your head no. You don't want to sit on his lap. But when you stand he grabs your waist and pulls you down onto his lap anyway.

"Here she is, my stunningly beautiful girlfriend." Dan presses his forehead into your arm.

"Hello there," You wave, a wide smile on your face, "Sorry if I look horrible. I was trying to sleep until I was so rudely interrupted." You cut your eyes to Dan.

"Oh hush, you. You look beautiful as always," Dan turns to the webcam again, his face screws up in disgust, "Me on the other hand, what the fuck is going on with my hair?" Dan plays with his hair slightly.

His hair looks fine to you, but you know Dan, it has to be perfect.

"Darling, will you hand me that hat over there? I cannot have myself looking like this."

You grab the hat closest to you and hand it to your boyfriend. He places it on his head and adjusts it to just the perfect look. You laugh at him, because you think he's so ridiculous for thinking he looks bad. It's Dan. To you he never looks bad. Suddenly, an idea pops into your head. He wouldn't let you sleep. He drug you off the bed and pulled you onto his YouNow show. Time for revenge. You look at Dan, who is talking to the internet and bite your lip.

"'Y/N, looks suspicious.'" Dan reads.

Before he could look at you, you rip the hat off his head and jump off of his lap.

"What? No!" Dan wails, covering his hair with his arms, "Why have you forsaken me?!" His voice is high pitched as you run to the side of the room.

Dan turns towards you and then back to the computer.

"Pardon me for one moment. I must deal with this." He pushes out if his chair and lunges towards you.

"No!" You squeal and run over the bed.

Dan dives onto the bed, attempting to grab one of your legs. Your chest is heaving with laughter as he bounces off and onto the floor.

"Bloody hell that hurt!" Dan groans from the floor, rolling over to look at you.

"Aw, is baby hurt?" You pout.

"Oh shut up, you. Give me that hat!" He crawls towards you and grabs your legs.

"No! Get off!" You laugh.

"Give me the hat first!" He pulls himself to his feet, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"No! You'll have to kill me first." You say in a serious tone.

Dan pauses.

"OKAY!" He yells, lifts you off the floor and throws you onto the bed.

The hat falls out of your hand as Dan loses his balance and lands on top of you. The two of you laugh so hard you almost forget that he's on YouNow. Dan smiles down at you, and kisses you sweetly before pushing your hair back out of your face.

"Darling." You whisper.

"Yes, love?"

"The chat."

"OH MY GOD!" Dan scrambles back to his chair, red faced, "Forgive me guys! I got carried away." He looks back at you and smiles.

You roll over and lay on his bed waiting for him to finish his chat.

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