"She's taken a lot after you too, her smile is just like yours. I'll admit I am incredibly sad that I- I wasn't there when she was born but be it as it may I- I wouldn't change the moment she called me dad for anything in the world." he breathed out and you smiled.

"I really wish you'd been there when she first started talking." you giggled "She just wouldn't stop talking, literally all the time she had something to say. And gosh did she learn fast." you breathed out "Just like her daddy."

"She's a wonderful kid, I've realized that." he whispered and you smiled "But again- she is an awful lot like her mother, what can I say?" he breathed out and you laughed.

"I'll admit: she adores bubble baths a lot too. She's had more than I've had myself in the past years."

"Does she?"

"Yeah but- Honestly-" you bit your lip "Can I tell you something Sam?"

"What?" he tilted his head to the side with an adorable smile, mostly because he realized you were already slightly tipsy.

"I've missed it." you breathed out, closing your eyes as your head rested on his shoulder "So fucking much."

"Well, you have a bathtub. You could have a bath anytime you want." he said with a soft chuckle, mostly at how adorable he thought you looked. Sure it was all thanks to the alcohol but he missed seeing this side of you with everything that you had to worry about practically ever since Dean received The Mark of Cain.

"I don't mean that." you said almost a little sleepily and opened your eyes to look at him "I mean you. Everything that I had with you, from the bathtubs and massages to the breakfast in bed. Everything." you closed your eyes, snuggling even more with him.

"(Y/n) what- what are you saying?"

You laughed softly "Gosh I can't believe what I am saying right now." you swallowed down hard "I can't believe- I love Dean, Sam I love him so much yet I- I missed you so damn much too." you choked on a sob, nuzzling your face at the crook of his neck "Is it wrong?"

"No, baby." he breathed out, closing his eyes for a moment "No it's not wrong." he whispered kissing your forehead softly "We've been through so much that nothing can take it away."

"I thought that it was over, Sam." your voice trembled "I thought that I had dealt with that, that months after your death and when Dean and I were-" you felt him stiffen beneath you so you just cleared your throat "I thought that it was over, Sam. That I had come to terms with it, that it had all happened for a reason but Sam I-" he felt and later saw a tear slip from your eye "I missed you so fucking much." you almost choked on a sob.

"Oh (Y/n)" he breathed out, shifting so that you were sitting on his lap and he could cup your face to wipe away the tears "Please don't do this to yourself." he whispered, resting his forehead against yours.

You sniffled, finally looking up at him and trying to give him a weak even smile "I never deserved you, that's why I lost you in the end."

"Don't say that please." he frowned and you let a humorless chuckle out.

"Can we get any more cheesy? This reminds me of something." you whispered and he smiled just slightly.

"Our first date, yeah." he breathed out, an adorable but sad smile on his face.

"You were so nervous, you were stuttering and almost knocked everything out in your way." you giggled, nuzzling your nose with his "Dear Chuck, I swear I found myself falling in love with you all over again that night."

"Did you?" he whispered and you nodded your head shyly.

"How could I not Sam? You've always been great to me, you were all I ever needed, all I ever wanted. I caught myself wondering so many times how you above all could love me in such a deep and true way. Sometimes... I still wonder." you whispered, letting your head fall back on his shoulder.

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