Invictus pushed me back with one hand. I went flying back a few yards as my butt hit the floor. His hand came up and he gripped her around the neck. She clawed at Invictus's chest. I can see his t-shirt ripping apart as she did so. Blood dripped from her claws.

Caden and Ron jumped in and gripped the woman around the shoulder. Max grabbed her around her feet. She thrashed and kicked. Her scream grew louder and more piercing. The sound gave me a chill down my spine.

Simon and Mama Kate appeared and the minute Simon's eyes landed on Gilda. He moved into action as he made his way toward the group that was pinning her down.

Somehow, Gilda escaped. She clawed at Caden's face. A huge gash made it across his cheek. He swore under his breath as he tried to control the crazy woman. Ron got temporarily distracted with the other hand that he let go the arm he was holding down the woman plunged her hand into Ron's stomach before yanking her hand out.

Blood spurted from Ron's mouth. He let go of the woman and grabbed at his stomach. I crawled like crazy over to him. I used my strength to pull him away from the crazy woman. He was still clutching at his stomach.

"Fvcking crazy b1tch!" Ron roared. Mama Kate hurried to our side as she put one hand under Ron's arm.

"We need to get him out of here. The boys can handle her." She said. I nodded and hooked one arm under Ron as we carried him out of the room.

We took him to a bedroom that I assumed was his because it smelled like him. Mama Kate and I carried him over to the bed.

"Lay him down." She ordered as I did gently. She let go of him to head out of the room. I moved to find a clean towel in his bathroom to place over his wound. My eyes moved to look at his face.

He was wincing in pain. His face was a little pale. There was no denying, how freaked out I was. I didn't realize how quickly I have become so close to everyone. I didn't want to see any of them hurt. They were like my own family.

"You will be fine." I whispered. His eyes fluttered opened to look at me.

"Of course, I will be." He said. "Remember, Deidre, it is just a wound. I can't die if she didn't get my spine."

I nodded but my visions were beginning to blur and wetness was pouring down my cheeks. Mama Kate came in with another man who was dressed in a doctor's coat. He was carrying a back as he walked over to examine Ron. I moved away from him.

"He will be just fine." The doctor said. "If you two will give me a moment to take care of him."

We both nodded and walked out. Mama Kate stood outside the door with a blank expression. It was as if she was zoning out. I could only imagine what she was feeling. For seven weeks of knowing everyone I have come to realize just how Mama Kate was protective over everyone, including me. I knew how hard this was on her. I heard shouting and screaming downstairs and my body moved on its own accord.

I found myself walking back to the dining room where I noticed they have managed to pin her down but his uncle who was missing for six weeks was a new individual in the room. Akoni and Caden was now holding him down but he was a lot stronger as he was also a lycan as well. It took several more soldiers to pin Uncle Benny down. My eyes went seeking for Invictus and when I saw him kneeling on the ground with his head down. I sighed with relief but my relief was short lived. He lifted his head up to look at me and I saw that he was also hit. He was clutching at his stomach as blood pour through his fingers.

My heart stopped beating.

I couldn't breathe.

I didn't realize I was screaming until Mama Kate appeared at my side. She gripped my arm but I ripped my hands out of hers. I ran to him in a flash and cradled his cheeks in my hands. Blood spilled slightly out from the corner of his mouth.

"Invictus." I hoarsely spoke. "Jesus, invictus."

He coughed a little and blood splattered before he spoke weakly. "I am not sure what is happening to me."

"What?" I said. I moved to remove his hand it wasn't a wound like Ron. It looked a like a bullet wound.

"You have been shot, Invictus." I cried as I moved closer to him. His body fell on me as he couldn't bear his weight any longer. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close to me. A sob escaping my lips as I held him close.

"You better not leave me, Invictus. You still have a lot of making up to do." I cried.

"I know, little moon." He weakly responded.

Mama Kate came to my side. Her hands moved to remove her son's hands as she took a look at the wound. Her face turned a little scared as she saw what has happened.

"Simon." She called. "I need you over here."

Simon was over in a flash as he also looked at his son. "We need to move him somewhere."

He turned to look around and when he saw a soldier who was free he pointed, "You. Go get the doctor, have him come to Prince Invictus's room."

He turned back to us. "Take Invictus upstairs."

Mama Kate and I placed our hands around Invictus now semi-conscious form before starting to leave but I didn't miss Simon ordering the death of his brother and his mate in the coming morning.

We carried Invictus up to his room where I laid him down on the bed. I moved instantly into bed with him. The doctor didn't take long before he arrived. He examined the bullet wound.

"I can still get it out. It isn't deep enough to paralyze him yet. We can still save him." He said hurriedly as he opened up his bag.

Invictus was now unconscious and I refused to leave his side when the doctor ordered us to leave. The doctor eventually allowed me to stay as taking care of Invictus was more important. I had Invictus head in my lap as my bloody hand moved to caress his cheek. A part of me was worried for him but a part of me wondered where the hell was Elena through all this?

Little Moon (Lycan Series #1✔)Where stories live. Discover now