"Why did my parents give me such a weird name?! Bee, pretend you didn't hear that." I grin at my cars name. I saw the bumblebee air freshener hanging on the rearview mirror so I knew I was gonna name this car Bumblebee. Not to mentioned he's colored like one as well.

I go to open the door but it won't budge. "Aww, come on Bee. Don't be like that!" I snicker at my own joke as I try to get the door open. "Tsk. Carly it won't open!" She comes around and tries to get it open only to fall on her ass as it swings open. I laugh and slap my knee, "Oh my god I love this car!"

Carly gets up growling at me, "Why you little-" A loud screech could be heard as all the other car windows shatter. Bee is the only one intact.

A horrified Bobby B holds up four fingers, "F-our thousand!"

The psychotic grin never left my face as I drove my new car around. Country music was blaring through the speakers as I drove to the party with Sam and his weird friend Miles.

Why are two guys I hardly know in my car? Because Sam's car broke down a few miles back. His engine blew and the carburetor was over-heating, hence the engine blowing.

"Oh my god. Oh my god, dude, Mikaela's here!" Sam broke the silence as he gawked at some sluttly dressed girl. I'm not one to judge though, she might be nice. I just don't like it when girls don't have any shame. "Just don't do anything weird alright? I'm good right?" Him and Miles got out of the car and began walking off before Sam noticed I wasn't following. "You coming Summers?"

"Oh no, I think I'll just hang back until ya'll wanna go home." He nodded and began walking off with Miles. Yawning I curled into the seat and it seemed to heat up. The heat felt nice despite it was already boiling hot outside.

"Hey hot stuff." I groaned rolling over to see Dave, Trent's side-bitch. "Why don't you come out here and take a swim?" His question seemed more like a statement; as if he was daring me to do it.

"Because I don't want aids." My car seemed to laugh at this while Dave growled. "Bu-bye." I expected him to walk away but instead he through the car door open and pulled me out. The car door slammed shut and he shoved me against it. I growled as he began making out with my neck. Kicking him in the balls he quickly let go. I shoved him down and dived into the already opened car door. The door slammed shut, the window rolled up and the doors locked; the alarms went off making Dave run. "Uh, thanks." My voice was breathless and the seatbelt snaked around my waist startling me. It tightened on me for a minute before losing back up; almost like a reassuring hug. "Ok, so my car is alive." I nod taking in the information. "Sweet. That makes you all the more awesome."

The radio acted up again before a voice sounded, "Why thank you, thank you very much." I laughed nodding.

"Is it alright if I call you Bee? Short for Bumblebee?" I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly, "I got it from the air freshener..."

The radio fuzzed to life again, "That's fine by me... beautiful."

I grinned, just as I was about to thank him Sam ran up to me, "Summers! Summers I need to borrow your car!" He kept looking back and at me again, I rolled down the window to hear him better. "Please! I know it's a lot to ask but I want to impress Mikaela."

I sigh, "Sure, let me get in the back." I grumble as I ducked into the back of my car. Sam started it up and Bee kept screwing with him while he tried to woo Mikaela. She didn't notice me the whole time, probably because I am lying down, and told Sam to pop the hood. Sam began to kick my car so I quickly backhanded him. "I will not hesitate to leave you and Mikaela stranded here if you don't stop kicking Bee."

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