Chapter 10 - The Date

Comenzar desde el principio

A soft song played in the background, taking sips from the cold liquid that left a burning trail in my throat and chest. Not getting a damn thing the female voice sang yet, I listened to the soft music through loud noises of the patrons and the clatters of the restaurant staff.

"Uh-hmm," someone cleared their throat. I turned my attention towards them and was stunned to see Aaliyan standing there. My eyes widened, and my breath hitched.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I was in a rage-filled astonishment, my blood flow increased to my neck and face.

"I'm on a date. Ajmal couldn't make it, so he sent me instead," he grinned, saying like this was a normal thing to happen when your date stood you up.

I glowered at him. "Where is Ajmal?"

"I don't know." He shook his head, an innocent smile decorated on his lips.

I stood up, "You know what? I'm leaving," snapping at him, I grabbed my clutch from the table. I had taken several steps before a hand gripped my shoulder to stop me. I froze in my place and heard Aaliyan take a sharp breath.

What the holy shit?

I jerked his hands and took a step. Moving away didn't stop him. His hands found their way back onto my shoulders again and held me firm on the spot, causing my face to go red with fury.

He came closer, so close that now my back was touching the front of his body. It wasn't blood that circulated in my body; it was burning electricity.

"Aaliyan," I whispered, my heart about to burst. "People are watching," I breathed, my words shaking with rage, and the butterflies went wild in my stomach.

"Yeah," his voice had a smirk, trying hard to irk me, though his hands pulled away.

"Come, Musca, sit," he commanded as he pulled out a chair for me.

I obliged, my breathing still uneven. I glanced at him when he took a seat across the table from me. He looked dashing in the gray suit that fit him perfectly. Showing off his muscles, his hair ruffled and messy from the interminable day he no doubts had. He had black circles under his eyes, and his face was flushed. He looked burned out in a kinda hot way.

"Didn't-" he yelled, startling me, and causing people to turn towards us, hushing Aaliyan promptly.

"Didn't you feel any shame-" he cut himself off and took a sharp breath. "Going out with Ajmal Khan?" He bent a little over the table and whispered dangerously low, "Didn't you think of me?"

I lowered my face. Aaliyan parted his lips to say something more venomous, but the waiter came to my rescue. I cleared my throat and mumbled my order to him. Aaliyan signaled him to shove off, his eyes boring into me.

Swallow me, earth!

"I didn't..." I couldn't talk. My heartbeat was faster than ever, and my stomach was clenching weirdly. I was a little terrorized by his dangerously powerful presence. It wasn't like I broke his rules, but remorse emerged in my heart like a blooming anemone.

"Shut up!" his words coming out louder than he was expecting.

I swallowed. I did nothing wrong. I intended to hang out with a friend of mine who happened to be an attractive male. How could he just... ugh?

My face heated and grew red with anger. "No! You shut up! I was here for dinner with my friend."

"Yeah." He nodded sarcastically. "Don't you have any common sense? He could have taken advantage of you."

"He can't be like that," I gritted my teeth so harshly, a sting went through in the nerves of my teeth.

"Uh-huh?" he hummed, refusing to believe me.

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