I found Ruby

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Steven POV

After I woke up, Amethyst tried to start a conversation with me. She failed.

"Hey, Steve-man." She said softly. She really had been trying to be more nice to me lately.

"I-I don't feel like hanging around today. Sorry." I said. I hate these dreams. They make me feel sick for a little while after I wake up.

"You dream again?"  Amethyst said.

"Yeah. Look, I'm going to go eat some breakfast. I'll go to the big donut or something like that with you later. Sorry, again." I said. I really wish Amethyst would go back to her normal self. It's weird to not have someone to make fun of you.

"Hey, it's okay. Nothing to worry about. Well, you know what I mean. Don't apologize for anything. I've got to go. Bye." Amethyst waved back when I said bye.

I ate some cereal and left. I didn't know what to do exactly. I guess I could... talk with Connie? No, she has sword practice with Pearl. I don't want to bother Sapphire. She hasn't been in a good mood ever since Ruby dissappeared. Oh! That it! I could go looking for Ruby! She wouldn't be in the temple, we would've seen her so... maybe she warped somewhere? I ran to the warp pad that was near the barn. I saw Amethyst, Peridot, and Lapis walking here. I didn't really want them to follow, so I quickly warped to the kindergarten.

"Ruby? You out here?" I called. No answer. "Ruby! Are you out here?!" I yelled. I heard something scratch the rocks. I walked around the bend. There sat Ruby, the ground black with ashes. She was obviously mad.

"Hey, Ruby." She didn't answer. "I had another dream. It had Pearl and..." I took a deep breath and sighed. "Garnet was there. So was Sardonyx. And another fusion we've never done." She looked up at me from her spot. I smiled and sat down next to her.

"What happened in the dream? Who was the fusion?" She asked, her voice calm, but her eyes full of rage and sadness.

"Sardonyx protected me from a corrupted fusion. The corrupted fusion kills Sardonyx and she becomes a corrupted fusion. Pearl's gem shatters and yours last. The strange fusion was... Connie... " She looked up, her eyes now puffy and glassy. "Peridot..." Her mouth opened as she realized it was going to be all the people from my first dream. "Lapis... Amethyst... and... me." She gasped realizing just like Peridot why I was in a gem in the beginning. I die while fused. "The fusion is grey because of the colors mixing. The fusion was saying that they have to do something right then. Then the dream showed me fused with them. They hurt my gem. I retreat to my gem, and they kill me there. They hated doing after they realize that their choice kills the Crystal gems. They separate. Earth no longer has a protector so I predict that Homeworld will destroy Earth. Everything... dies." I said. She looked at me as she realized that there isn't much we can do. There is only few things we could do, not kill me and let the four girls kill each other over whatever it is they are fighting over, or give me up and let the grey fusion take care of me. Not happening. Not while the Crystal gems are here. Wait... I die after Pearl and Garnet. Crap. Gah! I don't know what to do!

"I guess I better head back. You want to come?" I asked Ruby. I reached my hand out to help her.

"Sure." She took my hand. We walk to the warp pad. We warped back. Ruby said she was going on a walk for a while. I guess she will gone a little bit longer. I walked in the barn.

"Hi, Lapis. Hi, Peridot."

"Hey, Steven." Lapis nervously said.

"What is it?" I asked. She thought I didn't notice her hands shaking and her trembling voice.

"Uh... Can I talk to you... alone?" I nodded. She walked me outside the barn. "I may have had your dream when I reformed last night." She said. I nearly lost my grip to stand up. Someone else saw?! That means she know everything! Even the argument I didn't want much people to know! Only Garnet. And Peridot. And now Lapis knows! I bet by my next dream, everyone will know!

"So, you know everything? The fusion, the argument, the corrupted... Sardonyx?"

"Y-Yeah." I froze in my place. She must think I'm crazy. Dreaming about Sardonyx dying. Well... She dreamt it, too. And Peridot knows about future seeing dreams and all. Maybe she doesn't think I'm crazy.

"Did you have another dream last night?" Lapis asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, about Sardonyx. So you're all caught up. Don't worry. You should dream tonight if you're supposed to dream like me." She sighed. I looked down and huffed. She must not feel good either. It sucks to feel like this each day over a dream. We walked inside the barn and chatted for a while. Then, Amethyst came to tell us we are going on a mission.

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