Darkness and the Love that Ends it All

Start from the beginning

            Perenelle recoiled dramatically, practically falling out of her chair in her haste to get away. This had not been her intention. She had always known that dark resonates with dark. She had been hoping that touching the stones would have made the already impossible darkness inside of Potter implode. She could see blood steadily leaking out of all kinds of orifices. That was a sign of too much power. They had steadily experimented over the years. Vessels and containers can only hold so much power before they begin to break down or even corrode. With the amount of power that Ainsworth had in him, she figured that a little more would be just the thing to tip him over the edge. She hadn't thought that he would touch the false stone too. Perenelle just thought that he would go for the Sorcerer's Stone. She couldn't believe how much raw power there was. She wasn't stupid, she had known that the stones were dark but she didn't think that this is what was inside it.

            It was probably a good thing that they had never known what kind of power was lurking inside of the stone or else her husband may have tried experimenting with it. Every single fiber of her being knew that this darkness could never be controlled, never be contained. It was something else, something out of the realm of their possibilities. She could feel the depths to it and she wasn't even trying. Normally she has to reach out with her magic but not this time. It was like the darkness was wanting to let them know how powerful it was. It was like it was wanting them to be afraid. Perenelle had never been frightened of anything in her entire life. Not when she was a child and her father used her mother in a necromancy ritual. Not when she killed her first victim at six. Not when she was caught by a horde of Aurors at ten. Not when she killed her first partner. Not when she first tried creating dementors despite her father's warnings that it wouldn't work and the ritual almost took her life. Not when her first attempt at the stone backfired and nearly killed herself. Not when Nicolas had threatened to leave her. Not when the Lactera she caught nearly ate her. Not when she took the giant squid's mate away at Hogwarts and it nearly strangled her to death.  Nothing had ever scared her. Growing up around death will do that to a person.

            But staring at the insane power inside of Ainsworth was scaring her. Not necessarily the thought of dying. When one experiments on the creatures that they have, they know that death is always an option. That is what makes the experiments so enticing and so much fun. It wasn't the thought of dying, it was the actual reality of dying that was scaring her. It is easy to be conceited when you have lived as long as they have. It is easy to not consider things a threat. It is easy to be over confident where one shouldn't be. It is easy to think that nothing will get to you. That nothing will change up the safety of your life. But... staring at Ainsworth was a cold slap to the face of reality. To the danger of the darkness, she was just a tiny blimp on the radar of its power. She was nothing compared to what it could do to her. This was something that she wouldn't be able to match. This was something that was out of her element and out of her league. If true death had an embodiment, then this would be it. Despite the ticking time turner of her life, she wasn't going to take it lying down or cowering in fear. That just wasn't who she was. She pulled out her wand discreetly and decided to wait for the opportune moment to strike.

            Nicolas could barely see through his half-lidded eyes. He hadn't been this drunk on lust since his first week of marriage. There was something so enticing about the sheer depth of power that was radiating off of Ainsworth. It was almost too much. It was almost enough to have him kneeling on the ground. The urge to submit was strong. It was a daunting thought. What was about this power that made him lose control? He had never been good at detecting magic like Finneus, but he didn't need to right now. He could feel it without even trying. He could feel it all and he was in love with the energy. He wanted it for himself. He wanted to experiment on it. He wanted to wrap himself in the blackness and never let go. He was willing to give up anything to have it. Everything else seemed insignificant in comparison to it. Nothing else mattered but this power. Nothing else would ever matter.

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