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Our eyes locked as the train started its travel. so many times had we rode here in silence. So many times had we passed by without so much as a hullo, Yet this was the moment the courage bubbled up and propelled me forward. A smile did it from the first time I saw you, those beautiful brown eyes stared back at me, captured me to the kaleidoscope you saw through.

The first time you slipped your hand slipped into mine as we clicked against the cascading concrete. 

The silence that fell away as I spun you in my arms. Your lacy dress spread out with your laugh and I found myself at the edge of a high building with nothing but a deep beauty to go to.  

The moment my lips touched yours and electric spread through us like wildfire whether from the trembling of nerves or the igniting of passion I did not know. Nor would I ever know why your smile touched me so and your kindness had been bestowed upon me.

Your quiet strength chilled my bones and warmed my heart, and as I laid there, arms crossed beneath my skull I listened to your breath. The soothing sound of which had once been only the pattering of rain, so loud to drown out every fear and cater ever thought. Now the gentle hum of a whisper comforted my aching soul. 

The night we met, I learned what it meant to be alive by only the simple flicker of a smile and the courage to let myself enjoy your company.

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