Chapter 16: The dude tried to kill us!!!

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Greetings awesome people! I hope you all are well and have a good time ;)

Benkei: A good time?!?! You're planning to destroy us!

Weell...I do yes, but not in this chapter. Probably the next or so. There's a lot of explanation and talking  in this chapter, but I hope  it's readable anyway.

Hope you'll enjoy your read!

Disclaimer: If I owned anything, MFB never would have become this good XD. I do own the OCs though.


In the B-Pit/ My POV

Somewhere early in the morning things finally seemed to settle down a little and allow us to take a break from kidnapping, Dark Nebula and exploding helicopters. Madoka had wrapped a light bandages around Kyoya's angle and given him some ice to stop the swelling. Luckily there were nothing broken and he seemed to could support on it pretty well. Ryuga borrowed the shower and I myself, got new bandages together with some new, clean non-sleeping kind of clothes.

After everyone had been checked up on, we all settled down downstairs in Madoka's little working room along with our new unexpected guest who introduced himself as Scarlett's missing big brother, Storm. By the time Scarlett was effected by her lack of sleep and  tears, we had carried her to the couch where she now was cuddled up against her brother in a a possessive manner.

I sat on one of the chairs we had arranged  along with the others in a half circle around them. I must say I really more felt like joining Scarlett in her sleep, but there was a lot to talk about and a lot of things to explain. Before any other questions, even with a hurting angle, Kyoya was the one to end the silence and show his suspicion.

Kyoya: So, you're the captured big brother we heard about?

Though it isn't nice doubting people's words, then I was wondering the same. Scarlett had told me back when we were prisoned that she had a big brother she hadn't seen him the past 3 months after they had been taken. I had sworn I would reunite them once we were free, but it seemed like that promis had solved itself.

Storm: *Nod* That's me. 

Ryuga. You don't seem very 'captured'.

Storm: I'm not...For now.

He wrapped a arm around his sister and held her tightly. I found his action rather cute, something I wouldn't describe his attitude as. While we watched them in silence, I opened my mouth to say something, but was quickly shut down as he spoke up, getting in to what he really was there for.

Storm: Look: I say this because you have saved my sister and because you for some reason survived the attack earlier I send after you, but Doji has send me to check up on whether you really are dead or not.

A collective 'WHAT!' went through the room, but somehow not loud enough to wake Scarlett up. Basically we all got to our feet staring at him in disbelief and confusion. I stared at him not believing my ears. 

Me: What you'd mean with 'we survived the attack earlier you send after us'?

Madoka: What do you mean 'Doji has send you'?

Gingka: *Try to stay calm* It'a not funny joking about stuff like that.

Storm: I mean what I said and why would I joke? I'm serious.

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