Chapter 12: Recovering of discovering

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Hey peeps. Been a long time? Noope. Not really.

Everybody: *Sigh sadly*

What are you guys sighing about?

Kenta: We had hoped you would be slow as always, so you wouldn't use us to something deadly.

Seems like you're really happy for me being back to work.. *Sniff*...Madoka please be the adult one and do the disclaimer.

Madoka: Kath do not own anything, only her story-plot.


In one of WBBA's restrooms in Tokyo/ ??? POV

Gingka and co. was together in the WBBA's base in Tokyo, spread out around the room: Kyoya leaned up of the wall with closed eyes, Benkei standing near him uncharacteristically quiet, Kenta sitting on the floor, Gingka on a chair and Madoka beside an unconscious body, trying to plasters it in.

It had only been a couple hours ago, they all had stormed out of Dark Nebula's headquarter in full speed, heading to Tokyo's WBBA building with their two injured friends and found the first and best restrooms they could find. The medicals had come running and took the little girl, that had been lying in Kenta's arms with them to another room. The gang afterward had taken Kath and laid her on the bed, where she now was lying, while Madoka tried to bandage her the best she could.

Every time Madoka bandaged one wound, another one reopened and she had to do it all over again. No one said anything and nor did anything other than stare and listen. They had already got a sensation that when they found her, then it would be bad, but this, what they saw now in front of them wasn't bad, it was terrible.

The silence was deadly, but at last after few minutes later, stood Madoka and interrupted it with a deep sigh.

Madoka: *Sigh* I can't do anything else for now.

Benkei: Are you sure? There must be something!

Madoka: *Shake head* Rest is all we can give her now. We should go to bed as well. It's been a long day.

Benkei: *Nod* B..B..Bull!!! I can't believe Dark Nebula is back! I thought we were finish with these guys...

Kenta kept quiet while his gaze rested at his Pegasus-wielding friend, who seemed to have his head somewhere else. It wasn't normal to see the always so hyper and easy-going redhead sitting still with his head in his hands. Kenta had only seen this act three times before, and never had the reason for it been good.

Kenta: *Mumble sadly* GIngka...

His redhaired friend didn't seemed to have heard him and neither the others, who's conversation continued in a enkeindled way.

Madoka: I thought too Benkei, but for now we can't do anything and I'll anyway have to inform Mr.Hagane about what is going on.

Madoka went her way out of the door, followed by Kyoya that pushed himself of the wall, still silent. Benkei was about to follow, when he noticed Kenta who still hadn't moved his eyes from their redhaired friend.

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