4. Daddy Is A Genius.

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A headache.

A stomachache.

Those are signs of having a hangover. Which is something I'm experiencing now, as we speak. Like any other teenager who attended the party last night. I'm vomiting my stomach into the toilet.

Anna, and Alice slept over. Their parents weren't told that they were on a party. But were told that they are at my house having a sleep over. Not a hangover.

I flushed the toilet. Then I brushed my teeth, and hair. I looked like, a caveman. My eyes were red and puffy from the lack of sleep. The party was epic, to my assumption. My stunt was a success, now I can't wait to see Kitty's face on Monday.

"Hey," I heard a crocked voice. "Why are you up so early?" Alice asked, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands.

"Early? Look at the time." I gestured to my alarm clock. Anna was steering in her sleep, she looked like she would wake up anytime.

"Oh." Her mouth was shaped into an 'O'. "The party was epic last night."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, maybe I should have party's more often. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, I have never had so much fun in my life."

"But there is no fun in cleaning the house, after a party." I emphasized the word cleaning.

"Don't worry I'll help." She smiled kindly.

"Help with wha-?" Anna asked, as she yawned.

"Clean the house." Alice answered her unfinished question.

"I'll do anything to hel- I don't feel so good." She ran to the bathroom.

"I'll see what I can do, to help." I stated, wanting to get away from another puke. Gross. "In the kitchen." I quickly added.

When I walked downstairs. There were red cups everywhere. The place looked trashed. Luckily nobody was there, it was people free. I am so dead.

I locked all the bedrooms in the house, so nobody hooked up in any of the rooms. That would mean I would have to wash the sheets. And besides I didn't want to add more work.

As I fried the bacon, I heard light footsteps coming downstairs. I looked up, and saw Anna clinging on Alice. Well as you may have assumed, she is experiencing her first hangover, so its tough. She drank almost everything that had alcohol in it. She was wasted, she wouldn't stop talking last night.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, as she sat down on one of the kitchen stools.

"Ugh, I wish I had listened to you last night." She groaned out, I set a cup of strong coffee in front of her, and set a regular cup of coffee in front of Alice.

"Yeah, next time you drink, your gonna have to know your limit." I said, as I wiped on my own coffee.

"There won't be a next time." I couldn't help but to chuckle at that statement.

"I've heard people say that before, yet there is always a next time." She sipped on her coffee. Her eyes widened at the taste.

"Why do I get coffee that is this strong?" She complained.

"To try and cure the hangover." I said in a duh tone.

"But Ally got a regular coffee." She whined, pulling a face that made me her friend in the first place.

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