Chapter 15 *Edited*

Start from the beginning

"What are you trying to say?" Lu Han was honestly curious at her rhetorical question. Was it forbidden to think about him? He had every right to spend some time thinking about Sehun. Of who Lu Han was thinking should be none of her concern. 

Hyuna moved her head; some strands were brushing lightly her shoulders. "That you shouldn't fall too deep." She entangled her arms to remove the cloth. She stared at it for a few seconds as if she did not believe that Sehun did that for her. Was that really Sehun's doing? It would be the first time in eight years that he showed his helpful nature to her.

"What do you mean with 'too deep'?! I think that I'm perfectly fine." Lu Han replied with raised eyebrows.

"Too deep as in not being able to stop yourself from clinging at him." She explained further, earning a quite evident frown from the other. To stop be with Sehun? Why would Lu Han ever want to do that? There was no limit, telling him to refrain himself from expressing his love for Sehun. Why was she even telling him what to do? 

"I think that's none of your business." Lu Han answered with a vague and shaky voice. She should mind her own business and relationships. 

"Sehun is my business." She answered with a straight face, not caring what Lu Han was thinking at the moment. She really didn't care. All that mattered was making Lu Han understand that he would end up being hurt if he would wish to stay with Sehun any longer. 

"What's your relationship with him? Why do you need to stick your nose into ours?!" Lu Han was mad. What did she mean with Sehun was her business? Did she own him? Was she his mother or even relative? Lu Han didn't think so. She was just an old friend Sehun abandoned ages ago so he could spend more time with Lu Han. He bet that Sehun didn't even accept her anymore, which explained why she let her frustration at Lu Han out.

"I'm his friend and ex-girlfriend. I need to meddle into your relationship so yours will not end up like mine and Sehun's." She came back, not wanting to remember her past relationship with Sehun. She would be lying if she were to say that dating Sehun was a pain. It wasn't. There were times when she had loved it to be with him. 

Lu Han's brain stopped processing for a second. Ex-girlfriend? As in ex-girlfriend? She and Sehun? So Lu Han's suspicions were true? Why the hell was she still living with him? She should have moved on. She probably was staying so she could ruin Lu Han's relationship.

"Leave me alone. Sehun doesn't like you anymore if you think that you still have a chance. Staying friends after dating is just pathetic." Lu Han just wanted to laugh at her face. Yes, he didn't have any dating experience but why would she still want to live with him? The answer was simple. So she could see every day from dawn to evening his handsome face. 

Hyuna just scoffed, Lu Han had so much to learn about life and its surprises."Pathetic?! Are you serious?! I'll tell you something. Thinking that Sehun would ever love you back is pathetic. Running after Sehun is pathetic. Making use of Reply letters so Sehun would stay with you is pathetic." She had a lot more to say but after seeing Lu Han's eyes which were filled with tears, she couldn't. 

"What is your problem?! Sehun told me to stay close to him! He told me that he will help me out with the lett-" She knew that excuse and hell she wouldn't let him continue to sugar-coat his answers. Lu Han was sometimes so obvious that she couldn't help but wince. 

"If I remember correctly then you were the one that looked for Sehun in the first place. You were the one that begged him for help. And you are now the one that doesn't want to leave his side." Hyuna understood Lu Han's fears but why did he want to talk his way around it?

"Is it so bad that I wanted help?! I was scared. Sehun was there to help me. I didn't know that I would fall for him! I don't want to leave his side! Why should I?!" Lu Han did his best to oppose the tears and fight back. That girl goaded him a lot. She was the whole time quiet never said something mean and now suddenly she was letting it out. She was a fucking hypocrite. Acting like a good girl in front of everyone and when she was alone with Lu Han....she was evil. 

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