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me and my sunbae
( @planetinspirit )

"Set me up."



"Sometimes i think you're only friends with me because i know Woojin."

"Well you're not completely wrong."

Daehwi pouts at you whilst he cleans up the mess on his desk clearly irritated.

"Daehwiiiii, i'm kidding! You know how much i love you my darling puppy!" You coo at the kid in your arms as he hugs you back in defeat.

"Hands off," A voice says as you and Daehwi's eyes land on Daehwi's favorite senior, Bae Jinyoung "Daehwi's mine."

Daehwi scurries off to his boyfriend or whatever they were, abandoning you, but really, you could care less when Woojin was standing there awkwardly next to the odd couple.

The whole class were staring at the two senior boys, clearly attracting attention because of how goodlooking and charming they were just by breathing, especially Jinyoung.

Though for you, Woojin was way better, sorry not sorry Jinyoung.

"Hi Woojin!" Daehwi greets the boy who sends him a small smile.

"We plan on going somewhere to eat some meat," Jinyoung looks down lovingly at Daehwi who was hugging his waist "Why don't you and Y/N come along?"

Daehwi looks back at you, excitement clearly showed in his eyes at the mention of his favorite food plus his favorite person.

"Uhm..." Woojin looks at you and your eyebrows furrow at the look he gave you "I don't...i rather not eat with her." He whispers very low so Daehwi, who was trying to listen in, wont hear at all.

"Be nice." Jinyoung slaps Woojin's back.

Really...you wonder...does he hate you? Deep inside? Does he have this weird dissatisfaction with your existence?

It's not like he treats you bad, but...he avoids you?

The first time you and Woojin met was when Daehwi started inviting you to hangout with the Brand New Boys and his semi-boyfriend Jinyoung and ofcourse, you instantly started liking Woojin, it was inevitable.

You'd go with Daehwi when he practices at Brand New Music's company and if you're lucky, Woojin would be there too and christ did you love watching him dance, you developed this weird thing where looking at him just...wow, that's what he was, just...wow.

Though at first you didn't notice and just enjoyed watching him from the sidelines...he just...started leaving whenever you arrived, he started declining invites when he knew you were coming and...at school he just averts his eyes from yours all the time...

You asked Daehwi about it, while eating icecream, sobbing a little bit, and playing Jump Out The Window by Big Sean for the hundredth time.

No, you weren't a fan of his, but boy do you relate to the lyrics.

He said he was confused about Woojin's actions too because he was never like this to anyone, and whenever someone brings up the subject he either ignores him or makes up an excuse.

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