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exboyfriend ft. ha sungwoon
( @Ehkamwe )

Why...why did he call you again?

The thought spiraled around you for seconds, minutes, hours as you stared at the ongoing missed calls from your ex-boyfriend.

None other than Ha Sungwoon.

You had your knees crossed as the phone lay infront of you, an arm was latched around your waist with soft snores coming from the boy next to you.

The white sheets covered his defined torso to your dismay but wow did he look amazing.

Woojin...if he wasn't there for you during the break up...you don't what would've happened to you.

"Sungwoon, where are you?" You ask impatiently as you tapped your fingers on the table, the loud chatters of everyone in the cafe seemed to annoy you even more than your boyfriends repeating excuses.

"I'm almost there. I'm busy right now so i'm hanging up." And before you could say anything, he hung up.

The worst part of all is, you're not even surprised anymore.

He was perfect. From the start, it was all heart and rainbows. What...what went wrong between us Sungwoon?

An hour passes and you're still there. Waiting. Waiting for him because fuck, you loved him even though his actions the past few weeks have been shit.

Those memories, the good ones, they were real and they weren't that easy to let go.

Your coffee has already went cold by the time he arrived. He sat there. No apologies. No hello...no kisses. There just wasn't any love anymore between you two.

"Sungwoon." You start as he looks up at you.

Those eyes that were once filled with nothing but bright and eye smiles whenever he saw you...it was now dull, gray and nowhere near how he used to look at you before.

"Y/N...you know..." he mumbles as he clears his throat, something you know he does whenever he was nervous "This month, wasn't our month at all...with everything that's been going on at school, and everything going on at yours...it's hard, it's hard because we can't be there for eachother like i want us to be..."

"I know, that's why i've been trying to make as much time for you-"

"That's not it. I don't want you ruining your education for me. It just...it's not working out. It's as simple as that." He picks up his phone, about to stand up.

"So what? Instead of fixing it...you want to give up and leave?" You ask, tears daring to fall as you hold them back.

"I'm sorry. It's the best decision for both of us." Dry. Heartless. What a dick.

As soon as he left, the tears began falling. You resisted the urge to sob infront of so many people.

Did he really have to break up with you at your favorite cafe infront of so many people?

You could barely pick up your coffee, your hands were shaking and the pain you felt inside...wow, thank you Ha Sungwoon.

Someone places a chocolate shake infront of you and you look up to be met by the cutest smile you've ever seen.

Snaggle tooth.

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