Chapter 33

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Hey guys!! I have been working on writing more, so hopefully I will be able to update every day this week like I planned!! Enjoy! The next few chapters are gonna get *really* good. XD <3

Also I kinda stopped editing and revising these. I usually don't make too many mistakes, as I am very spelling- and grammar-conscious, but sorry in advance for any mistakes I missed!

"Much has been going on, but we"– Emery gestured to himself and the rest of the Council– "have been kept out of the loop. We'd appreciate it if you two caught us up."

Skeptical, Sophie glanced at Fitz. He shrugged.

"Pardon me, but until just recently you had no interest at all and thought that we were evil," Wraith interrupted, halfway appearing in the doorway. Emery looked a little flustered.
"Miss Foster, Mr. Vacker, if we could meet with you now?"

The pair followed Wraith out of the room and into leaped away to see Prentice. The rest of the Collective was already there.

Tiergan explained that Prentice was now well enough to tell them all he knew about the Neverseen. And it turned out he knew a lot. Sophie sat for hours listening intently to everything he had to say. Any one of those small facts could lead them to Amy and her parents and bring the Neverseen crumbling down.

Unfortunately, most of what he knew they had already figured out without him. He knew about the Lodestar symbol and the hideouts hidden through it, but the Neverseen had already abandoned all those hideouts. As the meeting took a turn and Tiergan and Wraith started explaining what they had learned while Prentice was unconscious, which was a lot, Sophie leaned her head on Fitz's shoulder. She was exhausted and starting to feel hopeless. He wrapped his arm around her.

Tiergan pulled out Sophie's iPod to show Prentice the texts she had gotten from her father's number. Sophie could see the screen over his shoulder. The first text said, "Too late." The second said, "Swan song." And the third one said—

Sophie froze, eyes wide. She reached forward and grabbed her iPod from Tiergan's hands. The third text had been sent two minutes ago.

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