Chapter 29

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Here you go guys!! I love this chapter!! Like I mentioned in an earlier chapter, I'm going to be gone from tomorrow (Tuesday) to Sunday. So I won't be updating again until a week from today.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! <3

Sophie Foster was healing Prentice.

It was what she was made to do. It was what only she could do. She had to.

His mind was much emptier than Alden's or Fintan's had been. But he had been trained to keep part of his consciousness in the nook. If only she could find it.

She searched his mind for a thread of warmth to lead to the nook. At first she just felt the dark, cold, empty nothingness. She tried transmitting images to connect with him.

As the transmissions flowed from her mind, she felt them gathering into a trail that she followed through his mind. She felt the nothingness take the shape of a small cave.

She transmitted to Fitz and he gave her mind a boost. She entered the nook, and felt...

More emptiness.

Sophie realized with a start that she forgot the same thing she had forgotten when she healed Alden.


She thought of all the love in her life. Her family, both Edaline and Grady and her human parents and Amy. Her friends. Fitz. Even Mr. Forkle. She thought of everything that made her grateful to be alive and well every day and she expelled it from her own mind.

At first nothing happened. Sophie was about to transmit to Fitz to ask for another boost or to tell him she was going to try a brain push, but something changed.

She couldn't describe what the change was, or how she knew, but she just knew. Maybe it was another weird thing about her genetics, but she could sense it. She waited breathlessly for the change to become more noticeable.

Suddenly, the room was filled with coughing and sputtering as Prentice flailed and thrashed. Sophie stumbled back, stunned as Tiergan yelled and Wraith ran to get Physic.

But in the back of her mind, Sophie heard two words.

Thank you.

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