Chapter 34: You and only You

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“Where the hell are you going?” Ronnie scolded as I pick my things up, my wallet, my phone and my car keys.

 “Ronnie, my boyfriend will be in the airport in a few minutes I just want to surprise him!” I giggled as I ran my way downstairs.

 “What the hell? You can wait for them here” She answered back

“But I cant wait. No I wont wait here I told you that I want to surprise him” I exclaimed,

“Ella and Helen will kill me if I let you out” she whined,

“Condolence then” I teased,

She groaned pleading.

 “I’ll be back before you know it” I hollered and dashed out of the house slamming the door shut behind me.


I’m so excited as I drive my way to the airport I cannot believe that I can finally see Luke again after a very long time, when I say a very long time I meant a week and 5 days. It’s a little traffic but it seems to move so I ignored it, but instead I played a song in the stereo, “Oh great! The 1975’s on” I exclaimed to myself. I jammed to the song as I wait for traffic to move. I leaned on the window and tried to clear my thoughts on how I’ll confess to Luke. I need to be brave so I have to do it.

I heard screeching wheels from somewhere; I think it’s coming from behind me?

I fixed my rearview mirror to check out what’s happening at the back, before I could move a fast car hit the tail of my car and that’s the last thing I remembered.



“Shush!” I whisper-shouted at Michael and Calum who cannot stop giggling from behind me.

I opened the door and shouted, “TA-DAAAAA!” playfully, hoping to see Myle after ages. God how I’ve missed her.

No one answered us. We went straight to the living room dropping our bags on the floor.

I saw Helen, Ronnie, and Ella sitting on the couch, surprised to see us.

“Hey boys!!” they screamed in unison.

“What’s up? Where’s Myle?” I asked,

“Stop kidding around, asking us where she is” Ronnie answered with a laugh

I raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”

“She went to the airport to surprise you” She answered,

My eyes widened,

“Wait! You didn’t see her?” Ronnie asked,

“Nope” Calum answered popping the p.

“What time did she left?” I asked,

“About an hour ago” Ronnie answered plainly

“That’s impossible we landed just 30 minutes ago, if she was in the airport then she should’ve seen us or we would’ve seen her” I explained.

“Maybe she’s on her way back?” Michael exclaimed,

“Dude, it’s been an hour, how far is the airport? You do the math!” Calum exclaimed shaking his head,

“Call her mobile” Ashton suggested.

I took my phone from my pocket and dialed her number..

“It’s unattended” I exclaimed weakly

“Maybe she took a detour?” Michael exclaimed

“Michael! Go be dumb somewhere else!” Calum whisper-shouted

Michael was about to punch Calum’s arm when Ashton stopped them.

Before any of them can say a word I ran out of the house.


It’s been 2 hours and a half and I’ve been searching for Myle running around god knows where. I’ve been calling her phone but it’s unattended. Where could she be? I would never forgive myself if something bad happens to her. Recently I’ve been bothered by her she always seems off or not herself if I may say. There’s something wrong with her but she doesn’t want me to help her, I mean, I’ve been reaching out to her asking her if she’s okay or if she’s sick, I can feel that she’s hiding something from me. My cellphone’s vibration from my pocket brought me back to reality.


“Luke, come back here in the house we need to tell you something important”

“Ella! Is everything okay? Do you have any news about Myle?”

“Luke just go back here and we will explain everything, hurry!”

Before I could say another word she cut off the line.


“Luke, we need to tell you something important” Helen started,

I seated on the couch catching my breath, I ran my way back here.

“What is it?” I asked all tensed, sweating.

“We need to find Myle, I have a bad feeling. We need to protect her” Ronnie exclaimed, sounding like a weird mother.

“I know! Can’t you see what I’m doing? I’m looking for her, but her you are, lecturing me with what I need to do which I am already doing” I exclaimed almost screaming.

“Calm down, Luke!” Ashton exclaimed,

“How can I fucking calm down? My girlfriend is fucking missing!!!!!!!” I shouted in frustration, I don’t need this, I don’t need to talk to them, I need to find Myle!

“Luke, listen to us!” Helen shouted back, eyes almost tearing up, “Myle’s pregnant!” She shouted again this time her face was red and she’s crying.

I cringed, my eyes widened

“She’s missing and she’s pregnant! We’re her best friends and we are fucking worried about her! We wanted to tell you this for almost a week now but we can’t because we promised our best friend that we won’t because she wanted to be the one to tell you! We are thinking that, that’s the reason why she wanted to pick you up in the airport it’s because she want to finally tell you that she is pregnant!” Helen exclaimed, Calum walked towards beside her and hugged her calming her down.

“S-she’s pregnant?” I asked in disbelief

“She’s a month pregnant now” Ella clarified.

Ashton and Michael stood behind me not saying a word, both of them shocked about the revelation.

My head started to ache, when I was about to break down, we heard a loud knock on the door.

Michael did the honor to open the door, I can’t move, my heart’s pounding and I’m sweating, I feel like I’m going crazy.

“Guys, I think you should come over here and check this out” Michael’s mumbled voice exclaimed.

Stalking to Reality - L.H (editing)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat