Chapter 18: Is it a date yet?

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"whats up guys?"

"oh nothing...lunch" Calum answered, the rest are quiet eating their munchies

"ohh so quiet" I teased

no one answered

"wow being ignored inside my own house, alrighty then"

I walked towards the kitchen counter and opened the 1st cabinet, grabbed a bowl and a spoon

I heard snorting and quiet giggles,

something's on I just dont know what is it

"soooooo...what happened last night?" I asked, breaking the fake ice

"hmm...nothing..nothing at all'' Helen answered


I turned around to face them

"LIAR!" I exclaimed

Calum laughed

I told you something's fishy..

"what?" Helen asked

"INDENIAL!" I exclaimed

Ronnie snorted

"what the fuck guys, why are you all being awkward around me today?"

they all shook their heads in unison

"OH GOD NEVERMIND!!" I exclaimed

I heared footsteps running down the stairs, thank god Luke's done.

"finally!" I whispered under my breath

I grabbed some milk from the fridge, and a box of cheerios from the cupboard

"hey guys!!" Luke greeted the gang

"HEEEEEEEY!!" they all greeted back,

what the actual fuck is happening?

I poured some cheerios from the box to my bowl and added milk.

I sat down a chair and munched on my food.

Luke made his way towards me and hugged me from behind

"hey babe, you okay?" Luke whispered as he kiss me on the back of my ear

I nodded

"you sure?"

I nodded again,

"what did you guys to her?" Luke asked the gang teasingly

they all laughed

theyre really making fun of me

"OKAY MOMENT OF TRUTH!!!!!" Mike announced,

"what's going on between you two? Ronnie told us what happened" Helen blurted out

"hmm, we havent figure it all out yet. wait! is this the reason why you are all giving me the silent treatment huh?" I exclaimed

"guilty!" Ronnie answered

Luke's silent, woah. where's the cheery penguin guy?

"so, whats up with you and Ash, Ron?" Helen asked

"uhmm were uhmn..not yet sure either" Ashton replied

"how 'bout you and Helen, Cal?" Luke asked

"no idea too,pal" Helen answered

"and Mikey how are you and my xbox?" I teased

we all lauged, except for Michael of course

"yeah yeah! laugh at me all you want" he mocked

Stalking to Reality - L.H (editing)Where stories live. Discover now