Chapter 6: A Night to Remember

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there was a van parked not far from where I am standing, Im a little puzzled about whats happening. what will we do in a van?

Luke walked towards it.. and he opened the back door of the van..

"Luke... you didnt have to do this!" I exclaimed and letting out a gasp

"I shouldve done this a few years ago, babe" he explained..


woah why did he do that? oh my god! the feels. Luke Hemmings please stop being cute. stop making me fall inlove with you more...

inside the van is a table a small table with a candle light on it and rose petals are scattered all around the van's carpeted floor. red and white rose petals, the van's chairs are removed.. the only chairs left are the driver and the passenger seat in front. the table is placed inside of the van the whole van looks like a mini gazebo, the middle top of the van's roof is removed so when you look up you can see the stary sky..

as I seated inside .. well, indian seat position.. I waited for Luke to explain things..

the table was already set for two. our only light are some yellow christmas lights and our candle light..

Luke opened a picnic basket..

he tooked out a Nando's take-out

"Nando's chicken in peri-peri sauce!!" he exclaimed

oh favorite, how did he know?

then he took out two strawberry slushies

how did he know my faves? am I missing something here or what?

"uhmmmm Luke?"


"what did you mean awhile ago when you said the you shouldve done this things a long time ago?"

he blushed and smiled at the ground.. "well, you see... i liked you, since highschool that's why i said that"

"wait! what do you mean?"

this is a joke!

"well, you see.. remember when you were recieving short letters in your locker before? actually... I was the one who sent those.." he explained trying to look embarrassed


"hurry up Myle! I want to go home early!" Ronnie whined,

"alright! just hang on! I need to get my science book"

I opened my locker then a note fell..

" take care. - your guardian angel xx"


I was trying to figure out who's handwritting it is but Helen swiped it from me..

"omg Myle! you got a secret admirer!" she shrieked

"oh shut up.. I dont!"

"MYLEEEEEEEE!!!" Ronnie whined again..

"ok ok" I replied running down the hall with Helen towards Ronnie...

I didnt sleep the whole night thinking about the person who gave me the letter..

the next day, I opened my locker again then another note fell again.

the mystery note lasted for months.


my eyes widened when Luke admitted that he was my highschool secret admirer. it was a big shock for me because I was thinking that he doesnt know me.. I mean he barely looks at me before, and now he's admitting that he likes me? woah..

"and remember the sophomore event in school?" he asked

"the battle of the bands?"

"yeah.. well other students were not allowed to go there if they are not a sophomore.. I was a señior that time so, I asked Mikey and Cal to help me sneak in just to see you perform"

"what? seriously? you guys did that?"

he lauhed, "yes!!" .. I laughed as well, "so what else do I need to know?" I asked,

"well remember the Señior prom night? well, I was heartbroken that night because Im so jealous of James. because he was so lucky for having you as a prom partner."

"what you were jealous with James? ew!!! he's my cousin.. you got the wrong impression!"

"woah! really? so..the whole prom night I thought you two are a thing! and I feel so uneasy and insecure tha whole night because of him and it turns out that he's your cousin!" he facepalmed his self

I cant stop laughing at him..

"so..what was Ashton trying to say back at the Vans Outlet?"

"oh that... ha ha!!!!"

"yes. what was that?"

"well, I took a stolen picture of you during prom.. I havent deleted it until now.."

what the heck?

"why didnt you just talk to me? you shouldve approached me Luke"

"well.. its not that easy you know. I get tongue tied when Im around you.. well, that was before...during high school, now it changed. I mean I wont blow my chances"


"what do you mean?"

"well, Ive been always inlove with you.." he admitted shyly, scratching the back of his neck.

what did he just said?

my eyes widened.. I didnt know what to say. he noticed my reaction and the fact that I am blushing..

hello? how could I not blush? I mean he's my first love! and right now.. right this very moment he's telling me that he likes me...

"wha-what?" my jaw dropped because of his statement.

"I like you.. I just... I didnt had the chance to tell you before because I didnt have courage.. and I regret it so now.. Im trying to tell you what I feel. Im not rushing you. Its just that I shouldve told you this a long time ago. I was just too weak to confess it. Im saying this now because .. because... because, when you we saw each otheragain back at the wasnt just 'coincidence' but I think its meant to be.. I mean why else will we see each other in that particular time?"

he's got a point.

"I never expected any of these to happen.." I admitted, I like him..I really do but this is too much to take..

"like I said Im not rushing anything

.just take time to think." he said while letting a wide grin show.

Im melting ~

"you dont know how long I've been waiting for this..." I admitted, finally decided to tell him what I feel.


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- @punkrocklukeass ♥♥

Stalking to Reality - L.H (editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن