⤿ part thirty nine: how they cooked

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Zayn Malik

"I told Zayn to bring everyone to Mexico," Trisha explained to Harry over dinner the weekend before their exams.

"Mum," Zayn groaned, taking a sip of his ginger-ale.

"That would've been fun," Harry smiled at Zayn. "But I think I had a much better time here spending time with you and your lovely mum,"

Trisha blushed and beamed at Harry, then turned to frown at her son jokingly. "Why can't you be more like Harry?" She asked, smirking. "I mean, look at this boy!"

Harry laughed, and under the table, locked his foot in place with Zayn's. "Zayn could improve a lot,"

Trisha nodded, playing along with Harry's jokes. "First he could start by learning to wash the damn dishes!"

"Mum?" Zayn frowned, locking his grip with Harry under the table tighter. "Why would I wash the dishes if we have someone to do that for us,"

Harry chuckled quietly. Rich boy.

The dinner went on as usual, and Harry even helped tidy the dishes once they had finished eating.

The evening closed with the two boys doing some last minute studying before their drive back to the University Sunday afternoon. 

On the drive home, Zayn listened to Harry sing along to his music, his voice soothing as it filled the car.

Upon arrival at their University, the boys met Niall outside, whom had been waiting for them.

"What are you doing here Horan?" Zayn asked, pulling Harry's overnight bag out of the car.

Niall trailed towards Zayn's car and closed the trunk. "I wanted to see you lad," He smiled, giving Zayn a hug.

Harry stepped out of the passengers seat and waved at Niall. "Hello Niall," 

"Styles!" Niall called, walking over to give Harry a fist bump.

"Okay there has to be something up, you never wait for me when I come back," Zayn spoke as he grabbed Harry's hand with his free hand.

"Come upstairs," Niall motioned. 

On their way to the lads' room, Niall went on about how they hosted a huge party last night and how him and Jade walked in on Jesy and Luke having sex in Liam's bed.

When they got to their room, Zayn turned to Niall confused.

"Why does it smell good in there?" He questioned as he watched Niall unlock the door.

"Because Liam fucking cooked!" Niall said excitedly as he trailed in the house once he had opened the door, Zayn and Harry following behind him, Harry confused and Zayn absolutely shocked.

"No," Zayn shook his head. "It.. It actually smells good?"

Harry laughed. "Is this what goes on in your dorm room?" He grabbed a hold of Zayn's hand after he put their bags down in the living room.

"Homemade Payne Pizza," Liam spoke as he pulled a pizza out of the oven.

"You say that like it's trademarked," Harry scoffed, sitting down at the breakfast bar.

Zayn trailed into the kitchen to give Liam a quick high five and then proceeded to sprinkle what it seemed to be bits of thyme onto the top of his pizza.

"Gordon Ramsay wants you in his kitchen," Niall said, as he grabbed the pizza cutter and handed it to Liam who sliced the pizza up like it was nothing.

"I am Gordon," Liam smiled, pulling one of the sliced pieces of pizza and taking a bite, his eyes rolling back as he chewed.

"Holy shit," Zayn rolled his eyes embarrassed at his two lads.

"Liam you are so extra," Niall laughed, taking a slice and biting into it. Suddenly, he shook his head. "Never mind, never mind,"

"I need to see what this is all about," Harry pouted and with that Zayn handed Harry a slice on a napkin. "Thank you love," He smiled as he picked up the slice to taste it.

"Now let me try one," Zayn spoke as he reached over Niall who was already on his second slice.

Niall handed Zayn a slice quickly before going to sit on the couch in the living room. 

"This is incredible Liam," Harry said smiling. "This is really, really good,"

"What can I say?" Liam spoke, shrugging. "I'm kidding, thank you Styles,"

"Harry, come on," Zayn spoke after he finished his slice. 

"Come on where?" Harry frowned, then turned to Liam. "May you please pass me another slice?"

"Of course," Liam handed Harry one of the last slices of pizza.

"That was a small ass pizza Liam," Niall said, trailing into the kitchen to take the last slice.

"Well damn Niall," Liam frowned, giving Niall a shove jokingly. "You're finishing all my pizza,"

"Next time make a bigger one," Niall said, then looked at Harry. "Can I have that slice Harry?"

Harry looked at his half eaten slice, and then looked over at Zayn who was stood impatiently at his bedroom door. 

"Sure Niall," Harry spoke, sliding his slice across the counter and jumping off his stool to walk over to Zayn.

Liam and Niall both chuckled. 

"You better get to that," Niall smirked, finishing off Harry's slice.

"I will," Harry spoke running over to Zayn and jumping into his arms.

Zayn held him up, his hands on Harry's ass. As he kicked the door open he turned and smirked at Niall and Liam and rolled their eyes.

Once the door was closed behind the two, Harry connected his lips with Zayn's as Zayn pushed him up against the door.

"You taste like that fucking pizza," Zayn grumbled as he trailed his lips down Harry's neck.

Harry let out a shaky breath. "I'm trying to create a vibe here and you're telling me I taste like fucking pizza? Well newsflash bitch, so do you,"

"Bitch?" Zayn questioned putting Harry down. "Did you just call me bitch?"

"Yep," Harry didn't hesitate, he smirked.

"Well," Zayn picked Harry up and let him down on his bed. "Say it again," Zayn laughed, pressing a kiss onto Harry's forhead.

"Do me a favour first," Harry smiled.

"And what would that be babe?"

Slowly, Harry grabbed Zayn's hand and trailed it down to his zipper.

"That," He whispered.

a/n: hey bitches i am a hoe at updating in the summer yalls used to get like two updates daily I HATE MYSELF

ANYWAys how is everyone?

- Alexis !!

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