⤿ part six: how they remembered

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Zayn Malik

"You had the food the whole time and you didn't call me?" Zayn called, pushing past Niall and out of his room.

He sat down on the couch and grabbed a slice of pizza, wolfing it down right away.

"I wasn't going to call you while you were with Harry," Liam said. "And I most certainly wasn't going to call you when you were yelling at Niall,"

"Well, if you called me while I was with Harry, I wouldn't have fought with Niall because I would've been eating," Zayn took another slice.

"The poor boy Z," Niall sat down beside Zayn, and took another slice as well. "He came all this way to ask you if you were okay, and you yell at him?"

"Niall, I thought we were done with this," Zayn spoke, his mouth full.

"Not after what happened at the party last night," Liam said, taking a sip of his soda.

"What happened last night?" Zayn asked, putting his slice down on the coffee table.

"You don't remember?" Niall and Liam both spoke at the same time, shocked.

"What's there to remember? I drank a lot, danced a little and went to sleep," Zayn answered seriously.

Liam and Niall looked at each other. Then back at Zayn. Then back at each other.

They bursted out into a fit of laughter. "Danced a little? Went to sleep?" Niall started, trying to hold back his laughter.

"We won't count the drinking part, that's the only thing you got right," Liam spoke, and Niall nodded at Liam, cracking up.

"Stop fucking laughing and just tell me what I did!" Zayn yelled, causing the two boys to shut up. "Who'd I fuck?" He asked.

"Well you almost fucked Harry," Liam said, and that's exactly what shot Zayn up.

"I fucked Harry?! Are you kidding me? Is that why he was acting so weird?!" Zayn forced a gag. "I'm straight, how could I fuck Harry?!" 

On the outside, Zayn shuddered at the thought, but on the inside, he couldn't contain his butterflies, which made him loathe himself in this moment.

"You didn't," Niall chuckled lightly. "You two danced a helluva lot, but you two didn't.."

"Or did they?" Liam smirked. "On the balcony, what'd you see?"

"They didn't, they didn't, he's just playing with you Zayn," 

"Then what'd we do? What happened?" Zayn questioned, annoyance in his tone.

"Long story short, you drank like a million beers, you danced with Harry―which in my defence, was pretty wild―then you two went to the balcony and I'm ninety eight percent sure you just talked, then you put your arm around his waist-" Zayn cut Niall off immediately.

"Wild dancing?" Zayn had himself floored. "I put my arm around his.. Did we kiss?"

"No you two didn't," Liam said.

"Anyways after that, I called you in because you left the balcony door open and it was cold as fuck. Harry pushed past me and grabbed his two girlfriends then left. You tried to follow him, but Liam and I could tell you were too drunk to walk, so we tried to stop you from trying to get to him," Niall spoke, then took a breath. "Liam continue, I'm done,"

"Yeah," Liam nodded. "Bro, it was wild as fuck. You were falling everywhere and people started watching. You tried to reach for the doorknob, but I stopped you and you hit my hand away, opened the door, and was hit by it and you fell and blacked out. Niall was in shit panic mode, and security was standing outside our door at this point telling us to shut the party down. So we did, then everyone left and we put you in your bed,"

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