Chapter 29

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In silence, Tashby approached a desert. Not a word had been said about Ivy, and she was too fearful to break it to the people. The dusk had vanished, and now the sky was clear, but it didn't make her any happier.

Cosmo and Willow were probably worried. They had to know. She turned around, waiting for them, and met with Archer's cold and worried eyes. She knew how he felt; she was the same. They all felt that way.

As they were leaving, Archer cast a farewell glance at the forest and immediately looked away. Tashby got an urge to talk to Ernest. She scanned the group for him, finding him walking a little in front of her.

She caught up with him.

"How long will it take?" She started hesitantly.

He looked at her and relaxed a little.

"I don't even know... I can't think right now."

"You're leading the way."

"Yes, and that thought makes me horrified," He smiled sadly. Tashby did the same, and it made her feel a little better.

"Now we're in some desert. Is it large?"

"Not much larger than the forest," he replied.

"Used to be," he added quietly, as if he wished that no one ever heard him. He probably didn't want to hear it himself.

"Do you miss Linor?"

"Not more than I will miss Laora."

She felt like a stranger. Tashby had never lived in Laora, never was a real member of the community. She wished she had, but then, it'd probably make things even worse. Disappointment after such big expectations was enough of a punishment.

"I'm hungry," she confessed and realized that was a stupid thing to say.

"Me too. I wonder when they will decide on having dinner," he smiled at her again. Talking about such mundane things again felt refreshing.

In a moment, both burst out with laughter. Tashby looked around. Archer and Cosmo were walking a little apart from Willow, also laughing about something only they knew. She wondered if they'd change after they found out the news.

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