Chapter 1

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The trees bending with the wind was the only movement Tashby could see outside her window. Of course, she thought. Their district was far from loud and social, and everyone who lived here would prefer to stay inside on such a cold day.

She turned around and jumped down from the window sill to examine the clock from up close. Her mother was supposed to be coming. And just on time, Tashby heard the keys turning in the keyhole, jingling a little. She ran up to the door.

"Hi," her mother said briefly and forced a smile before marching upstairs, messily dropping her backpack onto the steps on her way.

She followed up, slightly bothered. It was a rare occasion that her mother was that quiet.

"Hello," Tashby said casually. The woman was on the bed, reaching into her cupboard's drawer. She gave Tashby a brief look and nodded.

She approached and looked over the drawer. Her mother took out a letter and spread her wings, causing her to back up a little. Her thoughts were filling up with questions again.

The woman was staring at the piece of paper. Tashby plucked herself onto the bed next to her.

"I got a message today," the mother started.

"From whom?"

"From the PSC. About the absence of wings and stuff."

"What exactly?" Tashby got up and started pacing around the bed.

"Well..." The woman looked at her feet, as if she was trying to hide her eyes. "They don't see any way to cure this."

Tashby leaned back, unsurprised. For thirteen years, they hadn't been able to do anything about her inability to summon wings. Now it was just another one of the failed attempts that she was used to.

The woman stood up. For a second, her fists clenched, but after she noticed the girl's gaze on her, she got calmer. Tashby pushed her body away from the wall and stepped downstairs. The echoes of thinking about her wings lingered for a while and then disappeared.

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