I walk around like a lost puppy looking for Corrine when I suddenly see a familiar face. Niall! I walk up behind him and tap him on the shoulder. He spins around to face me, solo cup in hand.

"Hey Bella, I didn't expect to see you here," he exclaims smiling at me. Yeah me either.

"Yeah, I just came here with my roommate," I explain to him and he smiles.

"Well, why don't we get you a drink then," he laughs guiding me to the kitchen. Damn it. I don't want to sound lame. I figure it can't hurt to drink.

I follow Niall over to the bar where he pours me a drink. I take a sip and immediately realize the taste. I tasted it only last night with Harry. Scotch. I continue to drink, one drink turns to two, two turns to three. I suddenly feel my blood beginning to grow warm and like last night, I can't feel. I've spent the whole night talking with Niall. It's 9 o'clock and I know it time to go home especially with classes tomorrow.

I say bye to Niall and stumble out to the yard. I see that Corrine's car is no longer there. What the hell. Why would she leave and not tell me. I do the first thing that comes to mind as I call Harry.

"Hello," he picks up.

"Harry," I slur, trying my best to make as much sense as possible. "Harrrrry, I'm in trouble," I add.

"What? What the hell do you mean?" He questions sounding concerned.

"I came to a frat party and my roommate left me with no way home. I don't know why I called you but..." I'm cut off by Harry.

"No, don't be silly. I'll come get you," he insists.

"Harry, you're two hours away," I counter. "There's no way," I add. He hangs up. Damn it.

I sit on the curb for hours it feels like, I'm so pissed at Corinne. I suddenly see headlights coming up the hill. Harry's Range Rover comes into view. A smile spreads over my face. He rolls down his window.

"What the hell happened?" He questions looking down at me. I get into the passenger side closing the door behind me.

"My roommate decided to leave me here," I huff at the thought of Corrine. I'm now only drunk and not plastered.  I knew she didn't like me but I didn't know she was this low. I should have known this was a set up.

"Bitch," he snaps. Tell me about it.

I turn up the radio and start dancing around like an idiot. I'm too drunk to care. Harry begins to laugh at me as I dance in my seat to Beyoncé.

"Are you drunk?" He laughs, looking at me.

"Very," I laugh still dancing.

"It's bad for you, you know?" He mocks my words from last night. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," I smile at now laughing Harry.

He drives past the road for my dorm.

"Where are we going?" I question him.

"To my house," he replies looking at me in confusion.

"Harry, I have classes tomorrow," I sigh he looks at me and laughs.

"Bella, we go to the same college. I have class too," he smiles at me slightly, laughing at my forgetfulness.

"Oh, oh yeah," I laugh. I don't know how I feel about spending another night with Harry. I feel like it's just him being friendly, but what do I know anymore?

I fall asleep in Harry's car and as we reach his house he reaches over and taps me.

"Bella, we're at my house," he softly says. It's the softest I've ever heard him talk, besides his morning voice. He can be so gentle yet so rough at the same time. I lift my head and step out of the car. Harry leads me inside knowing I'm drunk. He leads me past the living room. Huh?

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