"Tori, my dad was just killed in front of me! Do you have any idea how that feels?" he asks me angrily making me jump at his tone.

"Watching someone you love die? Yes I do." Caitlin says and I turn to look at her.

"Cait..." Barry starts to say, but she walks up to us.

"Look, Barry, I know how cold and angry and distant that can make you. But when this happened to me, you were the one who kept me in check. You told me to stop and take a breath. And that's all we're telling you to do now." she tells him.

"I'm telling you, I'm good."

"Really? You're good? Because it seems to me you wanna do more than stop Zoom." Harry says.

"Barry, I heard what you told Joe before I tranqed you. You want to kill Zoom. You want revenge on what Zoom did to your dad." I say and he looks away from me. "I know it hurts, Barry. It hurts me, too. I don't know how it feels to lose my dad, but I know how you feel right  now. You're feeling lost, hurt, and angry." I tell him and he looks down, looking pissed. "Look at me. If that's why you're doing this, for revenge, you'll lose."

He looks into my brown eyes and he shakes his head. "Look, you guys, I... You may not think I can do this. You may think I'm too angry, but we're running out of time. I have to beat him, and I'm going to, whether I have your help, or not. So which one is it?" he asks as he looks at everyone, then at me. "Ok." I say and everyone looks at me. "I'll help you." I say and he gives me a small smile. "We're in, too." Cisco says and everyone nods. We make our way down to the Breach Room and Cisco puts on his headset. "So, how does this work?" Barry asks Cisco. "It's the same way we took Tori into the Speed Force. Harry does his best Frankenstein, you hold my hand, and I vibe you there." Cisco tells him and Barry nods. "Alright, let's do it." Barry says and he grabs Cisco's hand, then they vibe to Earth-2. We waited for them to get out of the vibe, and once they were, we looked at them. "It's on. We're racing." Barry says and I nod as I exhale deeply. Barry walks up to me and stares at me as I look at him. Everyone makes an excuse to leave us alone and I chuckle as I shake my head. Once we were alone, I look at Barry as he looks at me. "I'm sorry about earlier, Barry. I didn't want to see you like this." I say to him. "I know, Tori. I'm sorry for yelling at you." he says and I smile at him. "Promise me you'll be careful." I say to him and he wraps his arms around me. "I promise, Tori." he says and I nod. He leans in and kisses me passionately. He pulls away and presses his forehead against mine. "No matter what happens, I'll always love you." Barry says like it's probably the last time I'd see him. "Don't say it like that." I say and he smirks. "I love you, Barry." I say and he kisses me one more time before we leave.


We arrive at the industrial park, we look around for Zoom carefully. "I tell you, Jay might be crazy pants, but he can pick a venue." Cisco says and I nod in agreement. We all look at large machine in front of us as we walked into the industrial park. We hear a zip behind us, and turn around to see Joe with Zoom. "Brought the whole crew with you, huh?" Zoom says and we all glare at him as Barry lets go of my hand, brushing past Iris and I. "Can't say I blame you." he says to him and I just glare at him. "Dad!" Wally calls out to Joe as he walks up in front of Barry. "Wally!" Iris calls him as she grabs his arm and pulls him back. "It's gonna be one hell of a show." Zoom says. "Let him go." Barry tells Zoom as he looks at him angrily. "After we race." Zoom tells Barry. "Cut the crap. We know you plan to power up the Magnetar so you can destroy the multi-verse." Harry says as he points his gun to Zoom. "Bravo, you've figured it out. Almost." Zoom says and we just all look at him. "I don't want to destroy all of it. This Earth is at the center of the multi-verse. It's the access point to every other Earth in existance. One trans-dimensional shockwave and... Poof." Zoom says. "Leaving just our Earth. How generous of you." Cisco says sarcastically. "Need to have some place to hang my cowl." he says, but I'm just not phased by him. "You might wanna say your goodbyes." he says, but we all stay silent.

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