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We were in Felicity and Oliver's penthouse talking and I stand with Barry who had his arms wrapped around me and we stood next to Felicity and Oliver, while Cisco talked to Thea about changing her alias name. "I'm not changing my nickname. I like Speedy." Thea tells Cisco and I laugh as I take a sip of my wine. "Are you familiar of my body of work? If you are, then you know I can come up with something so much better than "Speedy." Cisco tells her. "Why don't you get a haircut, and then maybe we can talk about it." Thea tells him and I laugh. "There's the Thea I know and love." I say and she nods at me proudly as Barry laughs and kisses my temple and Oliver does the same to Felicity and he walks away. "I think you're just mad 'cause my conditioner game is on point." Cisco says as he grabs his hair and smells it. "So, the CEO of Palmer Technologies is living with Oliver Queen." I tell Felicity and she nods. "It's insane how much life can change in six months, huh?" Barry says and I nod. "Which you two would know better than anyone considering that there's another Flash, another Dr. Wells, from another Earth?" Felicity asks us and I nod as I take a sip of my wine. "Yeah. We know. It's been trippy lately." I say taking another sip of wine. "I wonder what Oliver's doppelganger would look like. Bald. Pot-bellied." Felicity says looking at her boyfriend near the fireplace with all the drinks and I laugh as Barry nods.

"Agreeable." Felicity says and we all chuckle. "So, how have you two been doing on the relationship boat?"

"We're doing amazing actually." I tell her.

"Good. You both deserve amazing." Felicity says and I look up at Barry with a wide smile.

A bell suddenly dings and Felicity gasps in excitement. "My pigs in a blanket." she says and I chuckle. "I'll help you out." I tell her and she nods. I peck Barry's lips as I leave with Felicity. Felicity takes the pigs in a blanket out of the oven and I place a tray on the counter. I grab one of the hot orderves and place it on the tray neatly and presentation worthy. "How's Barry holding up with the whole Zoom thing?" Felicity asks as we arrange the pigs in a blanket. "He's been a little shaky about it lately. But he's getting better." I say to her. "That's good." she says and I nod in agreement. "You know, Barry's his happiest when he's with you, Tori. You can see it in his eyes. And same goes with you." Felicity says and I turn to look at Barry who was with Oliver. "Yeah. It's only been a year since we've been together already. Not counting the time we broke up for a few months." I say and she nods. "Oliver's been happy lately, too. You seem to bring the happiness out in him, Felicity." I tell her and she blushes. Oliver dings his glass and Felicity and I walk over to him. "I would like to propose a toast. I wish it wasn't just the dark times bringing us together." Oliver starts and Barry speeds to my side grabbing Oliver's drink as well. "But it is friends like you that make those dark times worth having." Barry finishes saying and I laugh as I levitate the drink out of his hand and hand it to Oliver.

"What a guy! Steals my drink, steals my words." Oliver says and I laugh as he grabs his drink. "As I was saying, it's good to see everyone."

"Cheers." we all say and we all take sips of our drinks.

I sat with Kendra and Thea as Cisco walks away and we talk. "Why didn't you tell me you were dating the Flash, Tori?" Thea asks me as I drink my wine. "Well, first of all, his name is Barry, and I didn't tell you because I thought that you were going through enough trouble with half the city crumbling, everything with Deathstroke, and not to mention that you found out your real dad was Malcom Merlyn, and the League of Assassins war." I say and she looks at me confusingly. "You learn stuff from CCPN and Oliver may or may not have told me about the Malcom Merlyn thing." I say and she nods. "Well, you and Barry are really cute together." she says to me. "I can agree to that." Kendra says and I smile at the two. "Thanks. But how are you and Cisco, Kendra?" I ask her wanting to know more about their relationship. "We're good, I guess. But every time I kiss him, he seems dazed after the kiss." she says and I look down knowing that Cisco vibed something about her. "Well, Cisco may be my friend, but I'm sure he'll tell you when the time is right." I tell her and she nods. She looks at the window and widens her eyes as I look at her in confusion. "Look!" she says standing up and motioning towards the balcony. I turn to see the man from earlier crash through the glass door and I stand up putting my glass on the coffee table as I back up and glare at him.

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