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The next evening, we were all at the West house celebrating that Henry was going to stay here in Central City. I was setting the table with Iris and Caitlin when I suddenly hear the doorbell ring and I knew it was Barry and Henry. "What in the world is this? I thought we were just gonna watch a movie and have pizza?" Barry asks and I smile at him. "Blame Tori and Iris." Cisco says pointing towards me and I smack his arm. "Ok, we just figured that since Henry is officially back for good, we should celebrate." Iris says as I walk over to Barry and Henry. "And since Zoom is gone and this city is quiet right now." I say as I wrap my arms around Barry. "I appreciate it. Thank you." Henry says with a wide grin and I embrace him. "You're welcome." I say and he walks over to where Dr. McGee was sitting. I feel Barry grab my waist, pulling me into his arms and smiling at me. "You're the best girlfriend a guy could ever have." he says and I laugh. "I know, right? No other girl can compare." I joke as I flip my hair, making Barry laugh. Barry and I make our way over to the dining room. "Hi, Tina." Henry greets Dr. McGee with a sweet smile. "Hello, Henry." Dr. McGee greets with a polite smile. Henry greets Jesse as she moves out of the way, and they both start to have a sweet conversation.

"I hope you don't mind that we invited Dr. McGee." I say with a nervous smile.

"Seems like somebody's glad you did." Barry says and I turn to look at Henry talking with Dr. McGee.

"Yeah. Pretty soon, she'll be your step-mommy." I say and Barry rolls his eyes as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind and laughs as he kisses the nape of my neck. "So, for the first time in years, I was wrong. You are invincible."

"Told you. The Speed Force is with us."

I look into his green eyes and chuckle, "Sometimes, you're just too cute to be mad at." I say and he chuckles as he pecks my lips. Soon, Wally comes into the dining room with a salad, and places it in the middle of the table. "So, is it true? You saved The Flash and Hummingbird's lives?" Jesse asks Wally with a smirk. "Oh, I mean, I was just in the right place at the right time." Wally says with a nervous smile, making me smile at them. "Proud of you, Wally. You did good." Joe says and Wally chuckles. "Thanks, Dad." Wally tells Joe and Jesse chuckles. "What?" Wally asks Jesse as he stares into her green eyes. "Uh, I'm just... I'm proud of you, too." she says with a blush, which he returns as Caitlin places the soup on the table. "Jesse and Wally look adorable together, don't you think?" I ask Barry as he looks at the two. "Yeah, they do. But we're cuter." he says and I roll my eyes. "Soup's on." Caitlin says and Cisco cheers. "Taking out a city full of monsters makes a man hungry." Cisco says and I laugh as I pass Barry his glass of champagne, then grab mine. "First, a toast. To family." Joe says as he raises his glass of champagne.

"To family." we all respond.

"That's my kind of toast, short and sweet, let's eat." Cisco says and I laugh.

I suddenly see Cisco stiffen up and gasp, and we all knew that he vibed. "Cisco, what, what is it?" I ask as I look at him with furrowed brows. "What'd you see?" Barry asks him as he unwraps his arms from around me, and places his glass down. "What do you mean, see?" Wally asks, but I keep my focus on Cisco. "Cisco gets visions." Caitlin explains simply to Wally. "I don't understand." Cisco mutters as we all just look at him in curiosity. "What, Cisco?" Joe asks him, trying to get Cisco to tell us what he vibed. "Earth-2 splitting in half, straight down through the poles. Tell me I just didn't vibe the future. Please, tell me I did not just see the end of the world." Cisco says. Suddenly, a flash of blue appears, and holding Henry by the neck, was Zoom. I widen my eyes in fear as Barry pulls me behind him protectively. "Our story continues, Flash." Zoom says, and he speeds out with Henry. Barry then speeds out to follow and I look in worry, "Henry!" Dr. McGee yells out. I look over to Wally seeing his shocked reaction at just finding out that Barry was The Flash. "Wally, I know it's a lot to take in right now, but we'll explain later, alright?" I tell him and he nods slowly. Suddenly, it felt like my heart just broke into a million pieces. I gasp as I put a hand over my heart, and everyone looks at me. I break out into sobs as I feel my heart shatter. "Tori, mija, what's wrong?" Dad asks as he embraces me tightly.

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