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As Joe and I were trying to find anything about a zombie metal man roaming around Central City, there was a sudden flicker in the lights and all electrical appliances. "What's happening?" Henry asks as he walks out of the medbay. "I don't know. But something tells me it's coming from the Breach Room." I say as I turn around and head to the Breach Room. When I get there, the lights were flickering and there was a blue tornado-like vortex where the accelerator experiment was. "What's going on in here?" I ask as I walk in and look at Harry. "Just hang on a little longer, Ramon, a little longer." Harry says and I rush down the steps and head towards Harry. "Hey, you're killing him." I say and Harry unplugs something from the device making the vortex disappear. I turn to look at Cisco lean on the railing, bending down, and panting heavily. "Cisco." I call him as I rush over to him worriedly. "Cisco, can you hear me?" I ask him and he nods as he gives me a thumb up. "Yeah. I saw him. Barry, he turned to me... I'm sorry. I lost him." Cisco say. I frown as I look down and feel tears form yet again. Cisco takes the device off of his head and rubs his hand across his face.

We head back up to the Cortex to look for Tony, only to hear an alert. I look at the computer seeing that it was Cisco's meta-human alert app and it shows a video of Tony. "Whoa. Cisco's meta-human alert app is going crazy." I say and as I watch, I see Tony trash Jitters. "Oh, Tony just trashed the hell out of Jitters." I say with wide eyes and I turn to look at Joe. "Now, that is strange. He knocks over a hydrant on Fourth and Stevenson, doesn't go in the building." Joe says and I stand as I walk over to him. "Then smashes a Humvee in front of the Big Belly Burger but doesn't go in the building. Gets to CC Jitters, he actually goes in." Joe says and I nod. "Yeah, it's like Jitters was his target. But why?" I ask as I furrow my brows. "When I was in Iron Heights awaiting trial, I had a cellmate who always swore he was gonna break out. At a pre-trial hearing he stole a deputy's gun and escaped in a police cruiser. There's a point to this, Joe. I promise." Henry says as he pats Joe's shoulder. "Now, the poor dumb bastard could've gone anywhere, right? But he was apprehended two hours later. Do you know why?" Henry asks me, but I shrug as I shake my head.

"'Cause he went to his old girlfriend's house looking for her." Henry says and I smile at how sweet the ending was, in a way.

"So you think that's what Tony's doing? Even in the state he's in now?" Joe asks him.

"I think people are creatures of habit. Sometimes a level stronger than conscious thought."

"No, I don't think that Tony had a girlfriend. I mean, not the way he was hitting on me and Iris when he..." it suddenly hits me to where Tony was headed to next. "He came in to Jitters. He's after me and Iris. Again."

"So, when was he after you and Iris the first time, where'd you see him next? After Jitters?" Henry asks me.

"Joe's home." I reply.

"He came to my house when he took you and Iris. Iris and Wally are there now." Joe says.

"No, no, Joe. This is good. We know where he is and we know what he wants. That means we know how to beat him."

"How do you propose we do that?"

I smirk as I place a hand on my hip, "You're not gonna like this. We use me and Iris as bait to lure him back to S.T.A.R. Labs, where Cisco and Harry can kill him. Again." I say. Joe shakes his head not liking the idea. "I know it's risky, but we all have to take risks. Barry took one, and now it's time I take mine. Though, when Barry finds out, he'll kill me." I say. "But it's the only way." I say looking at Joe. "Ok. Alright. Let's go, missy. Call Iris and tell her we're on our way." Joe tells me and I nod. "Diosito mio. Ayudame." I say in Spanish as I walk with Joe.


When we get to the house, Iris hands me a shirt she uses for workouts, tights, and one of her jackets. I give my clothes to Joe and we stare out the window, looking for Tony. "I can't believe Tony came back to life because of the experiment." Iris says. "I know. I was shocked the first time." I say to her. "I can't believe he's coming here." Joe says and I nod. I suddenly hear footsteps, and turn to see Wally walk over to us with three mugs full of coffee in his hands. "Oh, Wally, thank you." Joe tells him as he grabs one of the mugs and Iris and I grab the others. "Don't mention it." he says and starts to walk away. "Wait." Joe calls out, and Wally turns back to face him. "I've been meaning to ask you, uh... How are you feeling?" Joe asks him and Iris and I take a sip of our coffees as we continue to look out for Tony. "Uh, tired, but fine, I guess." Wally responds.

The Speedster and the TelekineticOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora