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I shoot up getting ready to be attacked again when I noticed I was in the medbay and my head started pounding. "It's ok. You'll be fine." Caitlin says and I look at her with my head in my hand. "Ok, what the hell happened? The last thing I remember was being hit by Snart's gun." I say and Barry walks over to me. "Snart got away with his dad." Barry says and I look at him with wide eyes. "That's his dad?" I ask remembering the bald man and Barry nods. "What about Lisa? What did she say about him?" I ask them. "She said that Snart would never work with their dad." he said to me and I look at him confused. "She had showed us a scar she had gotten from her father. It basically proves that Snart wouldn't work for his dad without a perfectly good reason." Caitlin says and I nod in agreement. I hold my head in my hand again feeling the never ending pound. "Who knew this could hurt worse than whatever Lisa hit me with." I say. "Just get some rest. The headache should be gone overnight." Caitlin says and I nod. I get up slowly and walk over to the suit room changing into my regular clothes then being sped home.


The next day, Cisco had tracked down Snart in a bar and Barry and I headed there. "Back from the dead so soon, Barry." Snart says and I scoff. "Thanks for the new bump, by the way." I say crossing my arms over my chest and he chuckles. "You're welcome, sweetheart." he says to me and I roll my eyes as we sit in the booth. "Pass me the salt." he says and Barry shoves the salt over to him. "Don't spill, it's bad luck." Barry says, but Snart lays the salt shaker sideways. "Why are you working with Lewis?" I ask him leaning back into the seat and crossing my arms. "Lisa told us you hate him." Barry tells him as we just glare at him. "Things are... Complicated with family. As you know with your own parents, hmm?" Snart says and I keep my glare prominent at him. "Tell us what's going on. Let us help you." I say to him. "Don't waste your time trying to save people who don't want to be saved." Snart says. "Yeah, well, maybe it's not just about you, right? I'm betting, whatever you two are up to, innocent people are gonna get hurt." Barry says.

"Don't worry. I remember our deal. You two leave me alone, I make sure no one dies." Snart says and I look over to Barry with an annoyed look. "Alright. You're a criminal, Snart. But you live by a code. It sounds to me like Lewis doesn't. Like he won't care if people die." Barry says.

"That's why we can't leave this alone." I tell him.

"Then everyone will know who the Flash and Hummingbird are under those masks." Snart says.

"We don't care. We will take you down. Both of you." Barry says.

"We'll see about that. Thanks for dinner." Snart says getting up before the check can come and I growl as the waitress puts the check on the table and we give her a fake smile.

"What an ass." I say as Barry pulls his phone out and I see that it was Joe.


We go over to Joe's and he tells us about Iris' mom being alive and how she wants to see Iris. "Iris' mom is alive." I say looking through the album Joe had given us. "I lied to Iris. You two. Everybody." Joe says with folded arms as he paces. "Why?" I ask him as he sits next to me. "I felt like I didn't have a choice. Francine did so many things wrong. Just about everything." Joe says and I look over to Barry then back down at the album as I lean back into Barry's arm as I turn the page. "I don't know. Now I feel like my one wrong might be worse." Joe says again and I look at him then at Barry. I levitate the album with my telekinesis and put it down on the coffee table. "Look, Joe. We've known you for most of our lives, and we know that you always have good reasons for the decisions you make. And obviously, you were worried that Iris would go down the wrong path if Francine raised her." Barry says and I nod. "Look at Snart. That ass is a criminal because he had Lewis for a father. Iris had you. You just gotta trust in that and tell her the truth." I say to him. "Yeah, how do I do that without hurting her?" he asks leaning back on the couch. "She's not a little girl anymore. You should've seen her in action the other day. Putting her neck on the line for a story." Barry says and I look at him with furrowed brows.

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