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Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, we had Cisco vibe wherever Zoom could be with Joe. Cisco takes the goggles off and we just stare at him, hoping that he got something. "Did you see my dad?" Iris asks Cisco, and by the looks of his face, I can tell he didn't. "No, the vibe keeps changing. It's like my brain keeps surfacing or something." Cisco says and I look down in guilt. "They must be on the move, that's why the vibe's in flux. Keep trying?" Caitlin asks him as he takes a seat by the computer. "This is my fault. I pushed Joe in." I say as I tighten my grip on my arms. "No, don't blame yourself, Tori. You did what you had to do. You got rid of Zoom." Iris says as she walks up to me. "Yeah, but in doing that, I gave Zoom leverage. I gave him your dad, Iris." I say, but she just sighs. "I don't blame you, Tori. My dad wouldn't blame you either. He would say that you did the right thing, and so am I." she says, and soon, Jesse and Harry walk into the Cortex. "Hey, did you turn off the Magnetar?" Caitlin asks Harry as we all looked at them. "No, there's no messing with that thing. Whatever he did to it, we try and touch it, we try and move it, this planet's done for." Harry says. Wally suddenly walks in and I widen my eyes as I shake Iris. "Iris." he calls out as he walks up to her and I move away from the two siblings. Wally looks at Iris confusingly as she gives him a sincere look, "What's wrong?" he asks her.

Iris walks up to Wally as we all looked at them with frowns. "Zoom took Dad." she says immediately getting to the point, not wanting to delay anything. "What? How?" he asks as he looks at all of us. "I accidentally pushed him in with my telekinesis." I say guiltily and he looks at me with furrowed brows. "We tried to stop Zoom by pushing him through the breach, but he took Joe with him. It wasn't just Tori." Caitlin says as she puts a hand on my shoulder. "Well, where's Barry? Did he go after him?" Wally asks and I look down as I felt tears on the brim of falling. "He's not with us. He's in a cell in the intake..." Jesse explains, but Harry clears his throat to signal to his daughter to be quiet. "Wait, you... You tried to stop Zoom alone? he asks us and I look at Iris as she looks at her brother guiltily also. "Long story." Harry says to him. Wally walks behind Iris and turns to look at us. "Well, we have to get him back." Wally says to us, but Iris walks up to him. "Wally, before Zoom took Dad, we all agreed that if we got him off this Earth, we would close the breaches for good, and we would never open them again, under any circumstances." Iris tells him. "Why would you do that?" Wally asks shakily and I felt my heart ache at the sight of him. "No. No way, that's not gonna happen." he says as I see tears in his eyes. "He made us all agree to it." Iris tells him with tears in her eyes. "Well, guess what? I didn't agree to that!" Wally says angrily and I tighten my grip on my arms again.

"Wally." Iris calls him, but he shakes his head.

"Iris, I already lost my mom. If Dad..." Wally's voice breaks and I just couldn't help but feel at fault.

Wally walks away from us and I look at Iris as I walk up to her and she turns to see Wally walk out. "I'm sorry." I say shakily, but she shakes her head. "Don't blame yourself. Don't be that way." she tells me and I nod slowly as I loosen my grip. I honestly still felt a bit guilty, but Iris is right. Joe would've said that I did the right thing. But, I know Wally wants his dad back. Iris, too, but Wally just barely got to know his dad, and he lost his mom, so the closest to a parent he could get is Joe. I understand Wally. I miss my mom, but with my dad around, we were close. So, it makes sense for Wally to want Joe back. He wants to be close to Joe as Iris is.

A few minutes later, we hear a beep and I look at the monitor. "Uh... Hey, guys, Barry's not--" Jesse was cut off as a gust of wind blows through my hair, and papers fly everywhere. Standing there was Barry with Wally and I widen my eyes as I looked at him. "In is cell anymore." she finishes saying. "Wally!" Iris yells at him as Barry and Wally turn to look at her. "Well, I wasn't just gonna stand here and let this happen." Wally says, but I just look at Barry. "You let him take Joe? What the hell were you thinking?" Barry asks Harry, but I walk up to him. "Barry, look we had a plan figured out. Joe was gonna shoot him with tranqs, but the gun got jammed. I threw my darts at Zoom and pushed him in, and Zoom took him." I say as he looks at me. "You wanna blame anyone, blame me." I say to him. "No. It's not your fault, alright." he says to me as he cups his hand on my cheek. "There was nothing we could do." Harry tells him and I look back at him. "You could've let me race him!" Barry yells as he wraps his arm around my waist. "Allen, you're not racing Zoom!" Harry tells him and I look at Barry with a frown. "What are you gonna do? Are you gonna get my girlfriend to tranq me again?" Barry says to him. "Don't tempt me." Harry says and I pull away from Barry. "Calm down!" I tell Barry and he looks at me with wide eyes. "Look, I know you guys made a pact to keep Zoom on Earth-2, but you did that without me and Wally. Alright? You don't get to do that!" he yells and I walk up to him. "Barry, look at yourself right now. You're not ok." I tell him and he looks at me.

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