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When we get back to S.T.A.R. Labs, we take the back way to get inside the building, but I was still in shocked in fright and in worry of what would happen to Barry. On our way up to the office, Cisco tries to calm me down, but as we enter, he screams, "Harry-- Don't shoot!" he yells, but I don't flinch. Instead, I just stand there with my arms crossed and I wipe a stray tear that had escaped. "Damn it, Ramon." Wells says and Cisco sighs as we walk into the room. "Where's Allen?" Wells asks and I whimper at the mention of him. "Zoom took him." Cisco replies putting a hand on my shoulder and I wipe the tears away. "What?" Wells asks in shock at the news. "We tracked down Deathstorm and Killer Frost, met my doppelganger, Reverb. Super evil guy, super evil powers. The three of them almost took down Barry until Zoom showed up, killed Cisco-2, killed Deathstorm for hurting a speedster, but then left Killer Frost alive and then took off with Barry." Cisco explains to him as Wells walks over to us. "How are you both still alive?" Wells asks and I look over to him. "Looks like he cares even less about me than you do, Harry. And I don't think he's interested on taking a telekinetic's powers." Cisco replies. "No. No, Zoom doesn't do anything by accident. Did he follow you two here?" Wells asks us as he walks over to the desk.

"I've seen Heat like 50 times, ok? I know how to shake a tail. He didn't follow us. But check this out. I jacked these from my dead ringer." Cisco says pulling out the goggles. "I think we can tweak these puppies, use them to find Zoom." Wells yanks the goggles from Cisco's hand.

"Damn, it. Ramon, we don't have time for this. Zoom is hunting us. Zoom is hunting us! We need to make an alternate plan because if we don't, Zoom is--"

"Stop thinking like that, ok?" Cisco says and he looks over to me then we look at Wells. "We're gonna find Jesse and we're gonna find Barry. I know we will."

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I hear a voice say and I recognized that as Barry's voice. "Ok, whoever's responsible for this, oh boy, we're gonna have words. The two of us, ok? This is not ok."

"Barry-2." I say and look at the two men.

I dash over to the closet and open the door to see him sitting on the ground still handcuffed to the shelf. "Tori? Tori, why are you dressed like that? What's going on?" he asks as I kneel in front of him and unlock him from the cuffs. "Barry, it's gonna be alright. Calm down. Everything will be explained. I promise." I say to him as I grab his hand and drag him with me over to Cisco and Wells. "Dr. Wells, this is very disappointing. I mean, the two of you should be ashamed of yourselves. You can't just lock someone in a room like this. How long was I in here for?" Barry-2 asks and I sigh. "Barely a day." Wells replies as he walks away. "Ok, what did I say about calming down?" I ask and he looks at me. "I'm sorry, honey, but what they did is wrong. Why aren't you saying anything about it?" he asks me putting a hand on my cheek like my Barry does, but I pull away from his touch feeling the exact similarity to it. I grab his hand and drag him out with me, Cisco, and Wells. "Tori, what's wrong?" he asks me and as cute as he is, I just wanted him to stop talking for a minute. "I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but my wife is a very well respected detective in the Central City Police Department." he says motioning to me and I sigh again.

"Whoa. This is heavy." Cisco says and Barry-2 nods.

"Barry, it's a long story, but we don't have time to tell it, but we're sorry we locked in that room for a day." I start to say.

"But right now you need to leave. You need to gather--" an alarm suddenly beeps cutting off Wells from his sentence and I look at Wells. "He's here."

I grab Barry-2's hand and I follow Wells and Cisco to wherever, "Dr. Wells, what the heck is going on here?" Barry-2 asks. "Zoom's after us." I respond as we run to wherever. "Zoom? Why would Zoom be after you?" he asks us. "That's the part of that long story Tori was telling you about." Cisco says and I nod. "I don't know if I can... Deal with something like this." Barry says shocked to see a secret door open like the time vault back in Earth-1. "You have a time vault?" Cisco asks in surprise. "Yeah. I'm an enemy of Zoom and need a place to hide when something like this happens. Get in." he says and I was the first one to go in dragging Barry-2 behind me. We all go to the back of the time vault and I try to keep my nerves down. "That's Zoom. That's Zoom." Barry-2 says and I look at him. "Yeah, it is. Now don't take this the wrong way." I say as I cover his mouth to keep him quiet and I see an arm pop out from the wall. He walks into the room and I thought we were dead, but he suddenly speeds out. "Ok. Breathe, breathe, breathe." Barry says and I try to comfort him. "Calm down. Like I said, we'll explain." I tell him as I hear Wells say that he used a fake wall. "He's not gonna fall for another fake wall. We need to move. We need to find a different place to hide and make a plan." Wells says and I agree.

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