Soulmates AU (Poly!PharMercy x Reader & Poly!McHanzo x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Ja, they pushed me out of the way of Reaper's bullets, resulting in their current condition. I am just glad the bullets missed any vital organs or nerves." I whispered as she nodded.

"Malak, they are just like us, defending the innocent and helping those they love...They are a true hero...they are our wali batal." she says with a small smile as I sit by her and hold her hand, nodding as we await for you love to wake up, ready to start our new life with them.


*Hanzo's POV*

It was supposed to be a routine mission: get in, get the information, get out but someone had to be an idiot and cause a distraction. Only Jesse McCree could cause such a problem but what can I say, we are soulmates. But there is one person missing from our little group, the 2nd name on both of our arms. That name is (Y/N), our 2nd soulmate.

"I said I was sorry." I heard him say behind me as I roll my eyes and changed my bandages for the 2nd time that day. The last mission turned out to be that Jesse cannot keep quiet, giving away our location and I got grazed with a bullet on the arm.

"I said I forgive you but you still need to learn to keep yourself under control. Lena was almost killed because of your actions and she would have been fatally wounded if it had not been for Hana, Satya and Zenyatta." I reminded him as he pouted and sat down beside me, assisting me if needed.

"Do you think they are out there, Hanners?" I heard him ask me as I sighed and looked at the arm that hold their name and I let out another sigh.

"We can only hope, huckleberry." I whispered as we tried to relax. We met when the recall happened so we were both surprised that we have yet to meet the 3rd member of our little love triangle but like all things, it takes time and it will come when it is ready.

"I am going to get some whiskey, are you coming for a drink?" He asked me as I shook my head and prepared to meditate. 

"I will be here when you get back." I informed him as he nodded, kissed my temple and left me alone to think. But before I could meditate, both my dragons appeared and they looked a curious as their master's mate was about the missing mate.

"Do not worry great spirits of the southern wind. All will come to pass when time is ready for it." I say with some sorrow in my voice but I know it is because I share the same fear. What if they do not want to be stuck with a ex-clan leader and an outlaw as lovers? What if they do not love him like he hopes they do. With that thought in mind, he gets up and prepares to go to town, just to clear his mind.

***Slight Time Skip***

He saw happy couples running around and holding each other and he felt a bit jealous. He loves Jesse with every fiber of his being but without (Y/N), he still felt like he was missing part of himself. He hummed softly to a nameless tune as he watched his surroundings. Yet, as he then turned a corner near a ramen shop, he heard a gentle song being sung near him and he was drawn in like a moth to a flame. He knew the song as one that he has heard Genji talked about, it was an older song but the part that he was more drawn to was how their voice not only explained the story but still held hope.

"Thousands of cherry blossoms dwindling in the light. Though I can't hear your voice, keep what I say in mind- This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison, see, looking down at us from that big guillotine. Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know the lament that you sing can't reach ears anymore. We are still far away from reaching clear blue skies. Go ahead, keep shooting, with that ray gun, Fight!"

He was drawn in and then he saw a person who was dressed as a westerner but the way they were handling a bow reminded him of his days in his youth. He took a step and landed on a stick but before he could react, he saw an arrow fly past his face, missing him by mere centimeters. 

"Have you come for information regarding my soulmates because if so, I will put you in the grave first before I allow either of them to be harmed." He drew his own bow and was prepared to fight them but when he saw their arms, he was shocked.

On one arm was the name Jesse McCree and the other was surprisingly mine, Hanzo Shimada.

"Answer me assassin...have you come to hold me as ransom because I will go down fighting before I allow harm to come to either name on my very arms." They said with some vengeance in their voice as I lower my bow but had no problem returning it to stance if need be.

"You would protect a ex-clan leader and a man who had ties with Deadlock Gang...why?" I asked and they growled as I then hear what I was not prepared to hear.

"I have lost enough as it was! I lost my family, my friends and I should be dead but as long as I have these two names on my arms, I will fight to my last breath to keep them alive. Both Shimada-Sama and McCree will live even if it cost me my own life!" They yelled as they started to shake from what I could have guessed as either rage or fear. Before I could answer in kind, both dragons went to them on their own accord and circled their master's mate, surprising them. 

"Wait...If this is what I think it is...then you must...Hanzo?" They ask as I walk to the light and before I could respond, I hear another familiar voice.

"Hanners?" I turned to see McCree at the end of the alleyway and were surprised to see the dragons surrounding this new person but suddenly connected the pieces when he sees their arms. "Is that...them?" He asks as I nod.

"Yes, Airashī Baka...That is our soulmate." I say as I kneel down and I am surprised by what I see. "Anata, you are not harmed are you?" I asked as they shake their head and are shaking from what I could guess is crying. McCree kneels down and sees the the same person that we see. They have fought to keep us safe no matter where we were and yet, even faced with possible death, they would die to keep us safe.

"Howdy (Y/N), its nice to see a face finally with a name." He smiles as they wipe their eyes and look at him. "Now don't be surprised Darlin', we have been looking for ya for an awful long time." He holds them and pulls me in as we tell them that soon, we will all go home together and for the first time in a long time, I can truly be happy. We have our family together and we will do anything to protect each other; until death do us part.


*min kärlek- my love

*Min Soldat- My Soldier

*Malak- Angel

*Wali Batal- Guardian Hero


*Anata- You (mostly used as familiar 'You' but can also be used for a significant other/Similar to honey or sweetie)

*Airashī Baka- Loveable Idiot

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