Couples Costumes (Tracer x Reader)

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At first, matching outfits would be cute but do you know how hard it is to find an outfit that would stay on her when she decides to blink in and out of the place

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At first, matching outfits would be cute but do you know how hard it is to find an outfit that would stay on her when she decides to blink in and out of the place.

"How about this one love?!" she would shout as she held up a 'Mummy' that was in their size. 

"Hmm, how about something, well, less original." They would say as they continued to look and hold up a vampire outfit. 

"How about this one, Trace?" they would ask as she would look at it and shake her head.

"Nope, was that about 3 years back." She said as her lover would lean against the wall. 

"We have been through just about every single costume in this shoppe. Where else would have matching costumes that are not just good looking but not horrible looking." They would shout as Tracer saw that her dearest was having a problem and smiled as she pulled out the perfect outfit.

"Sweetie!!! What about this one?!" She shouted as they let their jaws drop and nodded before going to pay for the amazing and original costumes. If this doesn't turn some heads, I don't know what will.

*Fast Forward to the night of the party*

"Wow, hard to say if you two look like twins are if you are supposed to be your own person" Ana says as she smiles at their costume near the punch bowl while they look over at Tracer by Winston, who is having fun running around and making a buzz in her costume.

Who knew she could make a Roman Toga looked cute on her! The way the jewelry seemed to bring out her eyes was also amazing as she appeared by them.

"Sweetie, even though it took 3 shoppe and 5 days to find all the stuff for these costumes, we look smashing!!!" She says as she kisses their cheek.

You won not only most original costume, but you also won cutest couple by popular vote!!!!

Overwatch Oneshots (Overwatch x Reader) ((2018 Watty Contest Entry))Where stories live. Discover now