A Tale of Ink (McCree/Reaper/Soldier:76 x Reader)

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"Whatcha got there?" He asked as they pulled their sweater off and then looked at the long tattoo on their forearm and a wash of guilt washed over them. 

"It's something that is a constant reminder." They say as they get ready to go shower as he follows them, wanting to full story. 

"When I was younger, I made a stupid mistake and all I could do was keep screwing up. I put this on my forearm because it reminded me that someday, I will know why I was meant to be here." they sigh as they run the water and he holds them from behind before they could strip anymore clothing off. 

"Want to know something, you make mistakes to grow but this beautiful piece of art, it not only serves a reminder for you but it makes me want to be stronger for you too. So this way when you have a down day, I can be there for you." He smiles as he kisses them as the reply with an eager kiss back. This is what they needed, to know that they won't be alone during the worst day of their life.

"Shall we make some sin before we get you cleaned?" He smiled as for the first time in their life, the art on their arm was exactly right...As Mr. Johnny Cash says: 'Life is rough so you gotta be tough'

 Johnny Cash says: 'Life is rough so you gotta be tough'

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'Dying is Easy...Living is a Challenge'...Those words hurt more than most realize. After the death of a close friend, they could only look at the mirror and cry. Reaper saw this and was confused by it but what was the most confusing was the words that had been inked into their skin. 

"What is this, amado?" He asked as they looked at their arm and then back up at him. They didn't want to tell him about the nights where they wanted to be with their best friend but could not bring themselves to do it because they didn't want to leave his side. 

"Gabe, do you remember about my close friend that died...they committed suicide and I blame myself for not helping them." was what was whispered as he holds them in his arms, letting them cry.

He knows what it is like to lose someone but to lose someone by that account, that hurts worse than anything else. "Then why do you have these words on your arm?" He asks as they look down he makes them look at him. 

"Tell me" He urges and then in clicks with him as he holds them, telling them that life is hard but his would be impossible with them. He would do whatever it takes to make them smile again because he loves them that much. Every day from then on, he told you that you mattered to him at least once.

 Every day from then on, he told you that you mattered to him at least once

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Soldier 76-

"I didn't know you had a tattoo sweetheart." they hear from behind them as they look down and felt some sadness come back into their heart. 

"What does it say?" He asks as he looks at it as they reply. 

"Memento Vivere...its latin." He looked at it as he asked what it means before he realized that they were shaking and looked at them, seeing that they looked either nervous or maybe embarrassed. 

"No needed to be upset because I saw your tattoo, I love it." he says as he sees them holding their arm and holds them since no one was around. 

"Is everything ok?" he asks once again as they shake their head. 

"Jack, I have something to confess...I am the child of a once strong leader in an army...I turned away from him because I was hurt so much that I lost so much time with him." Soldier held them as he listened to their tearful confession because he did not think that they were that secretive but nodded to them to continue. 

"I returned eventually and I remember that growing up, he had a tattoo on his hands that said Memento Mori...meaning Remember that you must die." Soldier froze as they continued. 

"He wanted to protect the world so he said that was to help him remember that he has to keep going with the mission but...he was killed by the enemy and left me alone." He holds them and remembers that their words do not match their fathers. 

"Wait, then what does yours say?" He asks as he tries to remember anything to help him understand the old language on their arm.

"Jack, this is my reminder to not waste another day, to progress with the mission and now with you by my side, I can do that." He smiles as he holds them but in the back of their minds, they still remember their Father's sweet words the final time they spoke. "

Remember these words, my child...'Memento Vivere'...Remember to Live, my sweet child."


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(Sorry some are short and some are long but I have plans to get the Memento Vivere tattoo soon and that is a story that goes with my all time favorite band. Thanks again!!!) 

Overwatch Oneshots (Overwatch x Reader) ((2018 Watty Contest Entry))Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora