Soulmates AU (Poly!PharMercy x Reader & Poly!McHanzo x Reader)

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((All Translations are at the bottom of the Story...Enjoy!!!))


Angela's POV

Wow, I looked at Fareeha's arms and I was surprised to see my name. I mean, I knew since we were kids but this was a first for even me. What was the most surprising was that most people only have 1 name on their arm but we both had a special name on our left arms, the name of our second soulmate, (Y/N). We were not expecting to really meet them because the odds of meeting them were going to be slim yet fate has a funny way of showing it.

"Pharah, what is the status of your fuel reserves?" I ask her as I was patching up Reinhardt for battle against Talon's agents.

"It is fine for the moment Mercy but there is a problem, I see a few civilians that look to be possibly injured about 300 meters from you, I will get McCree with them until you arrive. I think one of them is trying to help those that are injured but I am trying to hold off the riff-raff as long as possible." she radios back as I worry but know that she can handle herself, she was once a part of the Egyptian army and she was one of the best soldiers we have in Overwatch.

"Go to her, Dr. Ziegler, we will handle this from here." I hear the loud laughter of Reinhardt and I rush off, thanking him.

I rushed off but not before I hear someone yell, "Look out!" Only to turn and see a young person pushing me out of the way of flying bullets from Reaper's guns. They took the worse amount of damage, a few bullets lodged in their back but it was on their arms that shocked me; In black ink was the names Fareeha Amari and Angela Ziegler. It was as if the world stopped moving and that my blood ran cold.

"(Y/N), shhh, stay with me." I whispered as they were coughing up blood, not realizing that my arms were showing their name. 

"I am glad I got to meet you, Ms. Ziegler." They were coughing more as I finally managed to stop the extra bleeding as I radio to Fareeha. 

"Fareeha, we need assistance down here, causality to a civilian, you have to see this." I am breathless as I look at them. "Shh, it's ok, Fareeha will be here soon and she will take you to safety." I whisper as I see a blurb of blue land by me and when she sees her name, I could feel the anger from her even being about 5 feet from her.

"Angela, take them to safety, I will clear out the riff-raff and I don't want them anymore harmed." She says through gritted teeth as she takes off and I call for Reinhardt to assist me and carrying them. 

"Justice rains from above!" is heard along with many explosions as I see Reinhardt rush with (Y/N) and I to the dropship.

"It's ok, min kärlek, rest, you are safe now." I whispered as they were put on a medical bed and I started my work, saying a silent prayer that we would not lose our beloved as quickly as we had found them.

***Time Skip***

2 hours of surgery and many cups of coffee later, I finally was able to sit and look into their condition but was surprised to see a sleeping Fareeha holding their hand as she tightly held it, refusing to let go even in her sleep. I leaned against the wall and smiled before going to fetch her a cup of tea for her, knowing she must be parched from her long day.

"Min Soldat...wake up." I whispered as she slowly woke up and looked at me with loving eyes until she looked at them.

"It's hard to believe that they were near us all along. They were the one I saw helping the injured from the rubble until you arrived." She says with a smile as I look at them too.

Overwatch Oneshots (Overwatch x Reader) ((2018 Watty Contest Entry))Where stories live. Discover now