Kitten-like Curiousity (Ana/Pharah/Torbjorn x Omnic!Reader)

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It was a typical day at the watchpoint, several others were out on missions and that left Ana, Pharah and Torbjorn behind due to lack of missions for them as well as letting them rest after a taxing mission they had just returned from. 

They have just left the newest member, (Y/N), alone for a bit, thinking that maybe they would be fine while they went to see if there was anything they could do to help the others while they were gone seeing how (Y/N) has been doing majority of the domestic work around the watchpoint as a means to earn their keep.

That is where we find you now. You had just ran out of work to do as all that was left was prepare dinner for the rest of the team when they return. You had already done dishes, organized files for Winston and even made some minor upgrades to Athena's hardware at the request of Soldier and Mercy. You were not assigned a team just yet so you thought you could keep yourself helpful as possible by helping with some basic things.

You spotted some of Ana's yarn on the table, the one she uses for training to perfect her accuracy from a distance and of course, curiosity got the best of you. You started playing with the beautiful material between your fingers, thinking that maybe you can keep yourself occupied until it was time to do your self-assigned job in a bit. 

However, you failed to remember that the alarm was on the fritz due to Winston updating the alarm system that when it shocked you, it caused you to drop the yarn in your arm joint along with your some of your fine tuned finger mechanics.

'Oh, no!' is all you think as you try to remove it but the more you tug at it, the more it seems to get more entangled. 'Maybe I can ask Torbjorn for help.' You think as you walk to his room. Knocking on the door, you are greeted by the aggravated face of the Swedish man. 

"What is going on now?" He asks as you gulp and show him the tangled mess you were in. 

"That is a simple fix, come here." He leads me in and right before you could ask him what he plans on doing, he hits your arms, thinking it might dislodge itself yet it caused your body to become more entangled and unable to use your left arm and some of your right fingers.

"Torbjorn, have you seen (Y/N)? Winston said he needs some-" Is heard from Fareeha as she comes into the room and spots the mess you are in. 

"I take it you became curious and got yourself trapped?" She asks as you blush, nodding and she smiles before helping you stand before leading you to the kitchen where her mother was sitting. 

"Fareeha...(Y/N) I want to know what happened?" she says in a teasing tone as you look down, blushing and embarrassed to have been caught doing something like this.

"Come, I will help you get the yarn out the best I can but then you must go see Winston to get the rest out." She says in a gentle tone that reminded you of how a mother would talk to their child.

Long story short, you learned not to mess with anymore yarn when Winston is working on the alarm system but also...Torbjorn told everyone about your little mess...yeah, sorry but it looks like you will be known as the 'Kitten' because of the whole yarn idea...Sorry.

(*Raises my hands with a blush on my face* I had braces once and I was an idiot and got something stuck in them...long story short, I know how embarrassing this is. And I admit it, I get called Kitten because I am attracted to things that are shiny and I like playing with random things )

Overwatch Oneshots (Overwatch x Reader) ((2018 Watty Contest Entry))Where stories live. Discover now