Doing More Harm Than Good (Hanzo X Reader / Genji X Reader)

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All they could think about was the pain but they didn't want to worry him, he was already stressed after having to attend a mission with his brother and not to mention, he had to work with D.Va, JunkRat, Tracer and Lucio; he was working with one noisy team but they still didn't want to bother him about the pain.

"Genji needs to know about your knee...It's broken in 2 places." Mercy tells them as they shake their head. "I don't want to worry him. Besides, he has other things to worry about. I don't want to be a burden to him." They inform her as she shakes her head. "The Nanobots will take care of the rest but you are to still be bedridden for at least 3 days since it was minor breaks." She says as they nod and grab the wall, hissing and trying to keep from falling.

"Luckily he leaves tonight for a mission and won't be back until then." They say through pressed teeth as she helps her. "Genji will see you are injured, don't forget that." She says as they nod. "Then let me rest here until they leave." Was all they asked as she shakes her head but understands, she knows that they only want to keep his mind on the mission and not on them. "Very well but only until he leaves but if you do try to keep this charade up, know that it could hurt you worse." She explains as they nod.

*Small Time Skip*

It's been 2 days since then and they were in the kitchen, working on making some tea when they were surprised by the sudden explosion behind them, resulting in them jumping wrong and landing wrong, breaking their leg worse. "Dammit!" They scream as they are then greeted by a feeling of cold metal on their side and gingerly holding their broken leg. "Hehe...Hello Genji" They blush as they feel him gently put them down to help them walk.

"Are you alright, my beloved?" He asks as they nod and try to walk but start to stumble. "We are taking you to Mercy." He orders as he leads them to her office. "Hello Genji, you ar- I told you that he would catch on..." She rubs between her temples and looks at Genji. "Set them on the table and let me examine them again, let us hope the break is not worse." If you haven't seen a beyond upset ninja before, be ready, he is about to explode.

Moral of story, they shouldn't have tried to hide anything from him because now, they are on strict bedrest until the break is completely healed, (About 3 weeks now) and they were not given any kisses by their lover...sorry but there is an upside.

>Kisses all the times he was with you

>Holding you gently as to keep you safe and not going any place you were not supposed to.

>Meditation in the room!

>When finally healed, he would keep a closer eye on you.


They are the only one who has ninja training and as well of an archer and swordsmith as the twins themselves and yet, they somehow slipped on a banana peel Winston left on the floor, breaking their ankle and 3 of their toes. "Mercy, is there any way we could be quicker, I would like to resume training." They saw with some boredom as she smiles and shakes her head. "Sorry, no training for you. You have a break in your ankle and 3 of your toes." She says as they roll their eyes.

"I just want to resume training. Hanzo and I have one on one this afternoon and I want to be ready for it." They say as she shake her head again. "I'm sorry but you have to understand, the Nanotechnology is working as effectively as ever yet you must still rest. I have to put you on bed rest for the next 3 weeks, I am sorry but a broken ankle is nothing to joke about." She informs them and leaves them to rest in the medic bay to check on another patient, unbeknown to her, they were sneaking out, not wanting to miss their date with Hanzo.

*Sight Time Skip*

"Oh, Love, there you are, are you ready for our competition today?" He asks them after he kisses their forehead and they nod. "What is today's objective?" They ask as he smiles and holds out their archery equipment. "The contest is simple, there are random targets set up around the practice battle arena, the first one to hit all targets in the bullseye, wins. Is that simple for you?" He asks as they nod and notices they are shifting their weight. "Is something wrong?" He asks as they shake their head and get ready. "Let's go." They say with a forced smile that he could not see.

"Archers...battle!" Athena announces as both Hanzo and they start running. They were in immense pain but they did not want to worry Hanzo, and besides, as long as they kept the binding on their ankle, then it would not move and they would hopefully win. "Love, are you sure you are ok?" He asked as he rushes beside them but they keep running, hitting the targets with their arrows.

"Tied Score...Final score" Athena announces and it is on the top of a tall ledge as they take off running but as they keep going, the binding gets loose. 'Oh no!' They announce mentally about halfway up the wall as the pain spikes and they whimper but not before letting an arrow go flying, hoping to hit the target before falling further down the air. They suddenly feel some grab them and make a soft landing along with Lucio and Tracer yelling their names in worry after seeing everything happen.

"Love, are you injured at all?" Hanzo asks as Mercy comes in after Tracer calls for her, saying that their foot looks swollen and they open their eyes. "Hanzo, set them down gently, they supposed to be in bed. They have a broken ankle and 3 broken toes" she announces and for once, they were happy to be on the ground and not in his arms because he looked beyond shocked. "You were injured and yet you still did this...Why my love?" He asks as they point up to the target, their arrow proudly right on the mark.

Moral of the story....He was not at all happy that you lied to him but this is what to expect.

>Pride that you were willing to keep a date even though you were hurt.

>Allowed you to keep the win as a sign that he was not too upset.

>If you need anything, he will get it for you before you can even ask.

>Be prepared, he will make sure that you have everything but when you are healed, it's back to training. 

Overwatch Oneshots (Overwatch x Reader) ((2018 Watty Contest Entry))Where stories live. Discover now