The worry in his face was evident as he whispered something into a guards ear. A guard that was not fatally injured by me. That guard quickly left.

My fingers dug into the cuffs, using all of my strength to rip at the left one. Crimson liquid and breaking skin greeted my fingers tips, but my movements did not falter. I repeated the action for my left wrist.

"Sirus," Rowan warned. His position angled to battle me once again as I pried myself free from the shackles around my ankles. "Sirus, no."

"He is born!" A female voice shouted, as we heard loud steps rushing down the steps. Chelsea had stumbled down the steps.

She had blood stains all around her dress and her hair was a bit unkempt. My beast rising a bit looking at the female who was covered in our mates blood. Three words saved her from my beast taking control and ripping her heart from her chest.

"H-he is born!" She exclaimed, tears in her eyes as Rowan opened the cell with a smile on his face. His eyes still stuck towards me, as I stared at his mate. I knew she was a help to Esmerelda but to convince my beast...

"How is Esmerelda?" I questioned, as Chelsea took a few quick breaths trying to gather herself.

"She...she is very weak..." the way she said and the way she did not meet my eyes was what worried me.

My body began to tense. I will kill her if she dies. She is the one who has yelled at me telling me that she will not give me the satisfaction of her death yet she has the audacity to be severely ill!

I began to move towards the stairs. "Your majesty you cannot go up their yet she is not done being cleaned and...." Chelsea's voice died down at the look I gave her.

Before I reached the steps, my fist went flying into Rowan's face. "Rowan!" Chelsea yelled as Rowan fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

I quickly made my way up to our bedchamber, making sure to adjust my shirt and look presentable for when I was to see my child. I doubt Esmerelda would care of what I looked like.

As I walked up to the room, I watched maids walk out with linens soaked with blood. They seemed surprised to see me and I watched them closely, daring them to say that I could
not come in.

Slowly opening the door, I was hit with a mix of smells. None that smelt particularly well. Blood mixed with other fluids.

Maids and midwifes gasped all alike as I made my way into the room. They all slightly bowed.

I walked over to the bed, my eyes traveling over Esmerelda's form. She was covered in sweat. A maid was wiping her forehead and neck with a cloth. Another maid was in between her legs, wiping away blood with blood soaked rag after blood soaked rag. A young maid instantly held up a sheet, looking away from me. Shielding me from looking at the gruesome scene.

I averted my gaze back to Esmerelda's top half..Her eyes were closed as she slowly breathed in an out. Her lips were chapped. Her heart beat was faint.

"Should she not be awake?" I questioned, wondering about the potion that I had her drink from Hilda to help with her healing after birth. "Should she not be awake?!" I boomed, as the females in the room all flinched at how loud I was being.

The one in between her legs glanced up. She had blood covering her everywhere. She looked as if she had bathed in it. She must have been the one who delivered our child...

"Sh-she has lost much blood, your highness. We do not just must be her human nature that is getting in the way of her healing process," she explained as I watched the rise and fall of her chest. It was incredibly to slow for my liking.

I growled, beginning to pace around. "Find, Hilda, now," I ordered one of the women as I heard something. Something that had me whipping around. It was my son.

"Bring him here," I ordered one of the maids as she began to walk over to me carefully. She handed me the bloodied little child.

His face was scrunched up as he was in the middle of crying. He was small and warm. A tint of pink to him. His hair was void of any real color, a whitish hue to it just like Esmerelda's.

He began to fuss and cry. "Hush, Thorian," I said gently watching the baby tense as his eyes began to slowly open. My eyes widened at his peculiar blue eyes. He took after Esmerelda in every way possible. "Warrior's do not cry," I told him as he continued to blink slowly, his undeveloped and unfocused eyes not paying attention to anything in particular.

The tender moment was shattered as the door swung open loudly, hitting the wall. I snarled, glancing at the door. Getting ready to behead anyone that dare ruin this moment.

"Oh my, the little pup has been born!" A loud voice announced as I snarled, glaring at the elderly woman who strolled into the bedchamber so easily.

I sighed, handing my son off to one of the maids as Hilda made her way over to Esmerelda. "Human Queen how do you fare?"

"She is weak...and has lost a lot of blood," I told her as she shrugged, pulling an old root from her pockets. It was covered in dirt.

Hilda made her way over to Esmerelda. I watched her closely, my beast becoming on edge as she grabbed a candle, lighting the root on fire.

The root began to burn and she held the burning root over Esmerelda, the smoke surrounding all around her face. Hilda's face began to scrunch up as she coughed. "Agh, this smell is killing me!"

Did this wench value her life? "If it is killing you what will it do to her? Hilda I will end your-"

"-Please be quiet, Dog King. She is human she will be fine. How is the strong child? Is it ugly like you or beautiful like your foolish Queen?" She chuckled, a gleam in her eyes as I felt the need to squeeze the air from her body.

"Fix her and leave, Hilda. Before I rip out your tongue and feed it to your odd animals," I threatened her as she cackled and licked her lips.

"You would be wise not to threaten someone of value to you."

It was my turn to laugh at this...this wench. "You would be wise not to test me, Hilda. I do know what you do. Your connections. Your activities. I do let you do whatever you want and live in my kingdom since you have been banned from most kingdoms. If you do not want to live in a cave heed my advice. Shut your mouth and get to work."

The elderly woman chuckled, "Ah threats are sweet to the tongue but actions are bitter! Let us not waste time speaking, let me make your Queen better again."

HA. I had you guys SHOOK.
Anyways, sorry for giving you guys heart attacks!
Also the first chapter for Queen of the Dragons is up, It's been a long time coming guys!

Don't judge my cover I'm working on a new one😭 if anyone has any cover ideas message me!!

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