Just For You

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Hi guys!

Another publishing update is here for you to get excited about. I know I am!

This is super duper short, so make sure you read the whole thing and don't miss anything! I'll even give you something to convince you, you should.

However, before we get into the nitty gritty (love that phrase) I just wanted to say thank you all so much for all of your comments on the last post! I can't wait to begin this journey with you all! As I said in the last post writing is the most f...

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However, before we get into the nitty gritty (love that phrase) I just wanted to say thank you all so much for all of your comments on the last post! I can't wait to begin this journey with you all! As I said in the last post writing is the most favorite thing for me to do, and the fact that it is now getting published is mind-blowing.

However, before we get into the nitty gritty (love that phrase) I just wanted to say thank you all so much for all of your comments on the last post! I can't wait to begin this journey with you all! As I said in the last post writing is the most f...

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We are all here because we love reading! I know I do! I have a whole cupboard dedicated to books, and half of them I haven't even had the chance to read yet but I keep buying new ones, so this gif perfectly describes my life!

We are all here because we love reading! I know I do! I have a whole cupboard dedicated to books, and half of them I haven't even had the chance to read yet but I keep buying new ones, so this gif perfectly describes my life!

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However, as a result of YOU reading my book something really special and amazing has happened! So THANK YOU! No matter how many times I will say it, it won't be enough!

Onto what this update is about:

Hades' Daughter (this book) is now viewable on Goodreads (basically the world's biggest book catalogue! I can't believe it! Argh! *happy dance*)! So go and check it out (you may see a certain someone... *cough cough* even though it's from two years ago (when I began to post on here!)), leave a review for it, rate it, add it to your bookshelf, and tell any friends you have on Goodreads or in general about it! (SPREAD THE INFORMATION VIRUS! INFECT AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE! ;))

Here is a link (will put them in the comments, and on my profile. If you are unable to use it, you can always message me and I'll send it through to you): http://bit.ly/HadesDaughterGR

If the book starts to get big on Goodreads before it's published, then you guys could point it out to your family and friends, and laugh at them because you've already read the original and know the story.

I also now have a Facebook page, so go and like that, and follow me on Goodreads for more updates or silliness and jokes to keep you entertained while we all wait for the 16th. So go and check them both out right now!



There is a lot involved in publishing a book (I love it) so I don't want to bog you all down with all the details about every little piece of the process, but you guys are the reason behind me being able to do this (my dream) so you are going to be kept up to date with all the major milestones leading up to the big launch in the next few weeks!

There is a lot involved in publishing a book (I love it) so I don't want to bog you all down with all the details about every little piece of the process, but you guys are the reason behind me being able to do this (my dream) so you are going to b...

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I'm back (but soaking as a result of water being thrown over me to revive me)! That's right, it's all happening in the next few weeks!

As Porky Pig says "That's all folks!"

I'll talk to you soon, in the next update! Have an awesome day, and don't forget to go and check out my book on Goodreads and my Facebook page!

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I'll talk to you soon, in the next update! Have an awesome day, and don't forget to go and check out my book on Goodreads and my Facebook page!

Bye fellow readers and friends!

Bye fellow readers and friends!

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P.S. Don't forget to submit your covers! The last day you are able to is August 1st.

Hades' Daughter (Sample)Where stories live. Discover now