Starting Afresh

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Three Months Later:

Florence opened the curtains with a flourish, half-knowing that Lucy was going to be extremely mad at her for waking her up before mid-day, Lucy was a sleeper and she thought it to be a crime close to murder to not be allowed a full twelve hours of sleep, but she'd have to understand, today was different.

"Luce! I'm finished, I'm actually finished"

"Well that's just great Florence I just wish you didn't have to wake me up at the crack of dawn to tell me your news, I'd be alot happier for you if I had my full sleep thanks very much"

Even her roommate's grumpiness couldn't make her bubble pop, Florence was so happy, she had arrived at Colchester with one aim, to forget and to create new memories but one week in to her brand new life she had realised what was missing, here she was storing away new amazing things going on in her life, new friendships and new lessons to be learnt.

Chase had been robbed of ever having a future, and Cole had been robbed of his past, she couldn't rectify how Chase had been snatched away, but she could help Cole.

And so began her new book, in it she documented everything she could remember from their conversations to how they met and the car crash, her fans clamoured for a sequel to Dysmorphia and a sequel was what they were going to get, for the past few weeks she had been collecting random scraps of paper, writing frantically into the night and reading excerpts of the story over the phone to Cooper, her Mother and anyone else available to constructively criticise her, and finally she'd done it.

Descent was ready to greet the world, Natalie had dropped her phone in surprise when Florence had called her and then screamed so loudly that Florence had also dropped her phone, she was projecting massive sale margins, wide scale hysteria and a high amount of fangirling and assured Florence that big things were going to happen.

Everyone had thought Dysmorphia was a stand-alone novel, as she herself had thought, but what she was realising now was that she loved writing, the spark had never truly left her and this book would help in so many ways.

Lucy turned over her spiky pink hair sticking up all over her pillow, Florence smiled fondly at her, she knew her friend would be first in line to congratulate her after a strong coffee and a severe application of mascara.

Life at Colchester had in a way become the life she'd always wanted, she had friends, she wasn't exactly the most popular girl on campus but still, she had people who wanted to know her, lessons she loved and a roommate who could always make her smile.

She was going places, but first there was something that had to be done.

She knew where the envelope was, had known since her pen had first touched the paper, the letter however she had left until now, it seemed only right as she unscrewed the lid of her ballpoint pen and took a deep breath.


Your probably going to be surprised to receive this letter, and angry too we didn't exactly part on great terms but this letter and the book enclosed is my penance for the hurt I've caused you, you read my first book Dysmorphia before the accident but I don't know if you still remember it so that is also enclosed in this letter.

You wanted to know what your life was like this past year and this is my version of it, to protect you your Sean in this book, I hope you find what your looking for in these pages and I'm sorry for everything, I've decided that half of the profits from this book will be paid into your bank account and my agent tells me their expecting big sales.

The other half will be donated to Oakwood Clinic, if you see Levi around give him a hug from me and tell him that his protesting will do no good, the money is his to spend for the benefit of other patients, all that I ask is that the new ward be given a placard, for Chase but I've sent him an email about that anyway.

As for you Cole, I hope you remember and that those memories don't make you judge me too harshly, I always did think I met Chase first but I guess it was you and me at the very start, I'm not quite sure what this is really a goodbye or a greeting but just know that you've inspired me to get out there again and really be someone.

If this is my last letter to you then I would like to thank you once more, for making a broken girl laugh and showing her that life can go on even when you believe it no longer can, I owe you so much and I hope this book expresses to you the immense impact you had on my life.

Stay safe and well and most of all, be happy as I'm learning to be.

Yours Always,


The scrawl of an address, a stamp affixed to the side and it was done, the letter would be posted that day and she would go to sleep with a lighter heart and wake up tomorrow ready to begin to really throw herself into university life, all shackles removed.

She was Florence Clarke, against the odds she had survived, and the world had better be ready for what she had coming,

She was Florence Clarke, against the odds she had survived, and the world had better be ready for what she had coming,

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