The Speech

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Florence walked up to the podium her back straight and her shoulders pushed back the farthest they could go, she wanted to project an aura of confidence, because she did feel confident and she wanted the student body to know that

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Florence walked up to the podium her back straight and her shoulders pushed back the farthest they could go, she wanted to project an aura of confidence, because she did feel confident and she wanted the student body to know that.

She straightened the microphone in front of her and flinched as there was a squeaking sound filling the hall, she allowed herself to look up and down the congregation from the fresh faced Year 7's sitting packed like sardines in uniform lines to the Year 11's slouching at the back wearing half-bored expressions on their face.

She cleared her throat, she was here for one thing and one thing only, but her mind couldn't help stray to the last time she had been in this very hall, on Prom Day where she'd given a similar speech, but with Chase by her side.

There was no one standing next to her now, but she caught Natalie's eye, Nat gave her a smile that looked like she was scared for her, but Florence smiled back she wasn't going to buckle and give up, she remembered the email from Lydia Thompson and the whole reason why she had written Dysmorphia, to spread the message and to help others.

"Hi everyone, my name's Florence Clarke, alot of you have probably heard of me, some of you may have even read my book and know my story, I used to attend this school two years ago and now I'm a writer, but that doesn't stop me still feeling like a student here"

She paused allowing her words to ring in the air, allowing them to sink in before exhaling and continuing.

"But my story doesn't stop just because my book is published or because I'm no longer a student here, it continues in the lives of others, its what happens when you don't think before you speak and allow hateful words to overtake kindness, when you hit that repost button, like something or comment without even knowing a person, or knowing how much you condoning hateful behaviour can affect a person"

She heard a loud sniff and saw that Natalie had lost it, nevertheless she ploughed on.

"Luckily the abhorrent practice that was The List has been banished from these corridors and it would be vain for me to pretend that this was all down to me, though my story my have inspired something it was you who caused the change, you made this school a more tolerable and accepting place and from the bottom of my heart, and from your fellow students who are sitting here able to get on with their lives, I thank you for choosing love and acceptance over bullying and hatred"

The speech had taken alot out of her, she was breathless and couldn't believe she had actually just said all of that.

Mrs Gupta clattered onto the stage her heels making tapping noises as she approached Florence and lay a hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you for that truly inspirational speech Miss Clarke, you will continue to be one of the most inspirational figures to walk out of Phillipson High's gates"

Florence smiled, too overcome to speak.

Mrs Gupta began the clapping and the students followed, clapping their hands in unison, some with smiles on their faces and others with tears glistening in their eyes, a boy at the back let out an unceremonious whoop and there were giggles.

"If any of you would like your copy of Dysmorphia, they will be sold in the library this break and be available to sign by Florence"

Then there were two flashes from the cameras of local newspapers, an impromptu interview and a ton of handshakes before Florence was ushered to the library.

She sat on the hard plastic seat with a smile plastered on her face and a pen ready in her hand, the bell for break hadn't gone yet but there was already a throng of students waiting behind the door, all this expectation was causing her anxiety to spiral out of control, and Natalie was nowhere to be seen.

Two hands suddenly planted themselves on her shoulder and she squealed with fright before hearing the familiar voice.

"Hey Flo, something of a celebrity now, eh?"

"Cooper!" she almost screamed, so surprised she was to see those chocolate brown eyes staring back at her dancing with excitement.

"How... how did you even.. how did you know... what?" she said her brain whirring.

"Number One, the entire town knows your doing a book singing today, Number Two that guy Cole called me while you were in the shower and said you were freaking out and would probably need me here and Number Three I'm here to support my best friend as she embarks on her greatest mission yet"

Cooper wiggled her eyebrows dramatically and then gestured to the line of children that was ever growing outside.

"Those lot look like they should be behind bars" she plonked herself in the chair next to Florence "Sorry I missed your speech, it was late notice and I was half way through a hair appointment when I got Cole's call, I'm sure you did amazing but you know you kind of look a bit pale? Is this all too much for you? Shall I get that agent of yours and tell her you need a break?"

Cooper spoke lightning fast, not even letting Florence get in a word edgeways, but instead of answering any of her questions, Florence flung one arm around her and squeezed her tight breathing in her signature strawberry shampoo.

"I'm so happy your here Coops, thank you for coming, and yeah I was freaking out at the fact that I'd have to do this alone, but that's all solved now your here!"

The librarian approached them looking scared at the prospect of all the crazed teenagers "Are you quite ready Miss Clarke because the bel-"

The mechanical ring of the bell cut her off.

"-is about to ring" she finished.

"Ready" Florence smiled back and Cooper smiled wider "That's my best friend you know" she said.

"Thats... thats lovely dear" the librarian shuffled to the door and began unlocking it, looking petrified at the clamouring.

The children rushed in, some already brandishing books like they were weapons.

The first girl to come to the desk was a brazen looking small girl with the widest eyes Florence had ever seen, she placed a book on the desk.

"Hi! I'm Margaret, but my friends call me Maggie, please sign the book Maggie"

Florence nodded, feeling slightly disconcerted.

What followed was a frenzy of activity as child after child made their way to the front in an orderly line as directed by Cooper and Florence signed each book with a flourish. 

By the time break was over she felt like she would pass out, all this movement and talking and all the nerves still swirled inside her, but she also felt a sense of elation, she had returned to Phillipson High against all the odds, given her message and hopefully made a difference in these students lives.

And that was all that mattered.

And that was all that mattered

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Descent (Dysmorphia Series #2)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara