Awkward Conversations

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Florence kissed Cooper on the cheek as she waved goodbye to her friend, she couldn't have put into words what having her oldest friend fighting by her side today had meant to her, she would never have been able to survive today, not without someon...

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Florence kissed Cooper on the cheek as she waved goodbye to her friend, she couldn't have put into words what having her oldest friend fighting by her side today had meant to her, she would never have been able to survive today, not without someone with her.

As she climbed the flights of stairs her phone began to ring, it was Natalie, Florence had barely had enough time to talk to her as she had rushed off to go to an 'important' meeting.

"Darling!" shouted Natalie almost making her drop her phone in shock.

"I have the best of the best news!" chirped Natalie, she actually sounded like she was about to break out into song.

"Okay" she replied, gripping onto the railing, it sounded like she'd need support for whatever was coming.

"BCU want an interview!" cried Nat, as if she couldn't restrain herself, she really did drop her phone then, it hit the marble floor and if it hadn't been for her screen protector she would have been in the market for a new one, Florence's mouth was gaping open and she didn't seem to be capable of closing it, hastily she reached down to pick up her phone, where she could hear shrill shrieks.

"Is this a joke?" she asked, she had to be sure before she let herself go crazy with elation.

"Sure as the hairs on my head!" replied Nat "I just received a call from Professor Whittaker at the charity, he says he can send one of their representatives to interview you tomorrow!"

Her slow mind was still lagging, trying to keep up.

BCU was only the most respected body confidence charity running seven successful confidence campaigns in the space of five years, it had been one of her biggest dreams to be interviewed by them and featured in their monthly magazine, Body Confidence United.

"Thank you so much Nat!" she squealed "I love you, I love you, I love you! I could never have any agent as amazing as you"

"Well I do try" she could hear the smile in her agent's voice.

She beamed the entire way up the five flights of stairs which usually made her huff and puff, she would call her Mum later on, she hadn't checked up on them in a while, hadn't wanted to while the press hung around their home, this way she could tell her the great news.

She practically skipped into the door and to her shock saw that Cole too wore a similar expression of joy.

"Hi!" he said "Hello there" she replied, her face already aching with her persistent smile, she felt like doing something crazy, like dancing on the streets and flinging open the window to tell everyone in Phillipson her news.

"How was job hunting?" she asked, knowing something positive must have happened for him to be in such a good mood.

"Well I got a job" he replied

"Great! Where?"

"Deidre's" he made a face "The best I could get given the situation"

She could tell he was playing it cool, but she knew that he was secretly delighted that he'd managed to find a job.

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