How To Die

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The officers seemed distracted as they half-heartedly told Cole what his rights were and the next moves that were going to be taken now that he was under arrest.

They told him any sentence he received would be lightened if he just admitted that he had accomplices and named them all.

Mr Chandra, the shop attendant had told them there had been at least four of them, he was a bit groggy, it wasn't the just the fact that the group of them had assaulted an unarmed man, they'd also been carrying a weapon.

But Cole didn't really see the point in giving up the names of the others, in a twisted way he wanted to serve time, he had been idiotic enough to go with the plan, the one thing he was proud of was the fact that he hadn't abandoned an injured man, it barely made up for his actions but he knew if he had ran he would have ended up turning himself in anyway.

There was no point in involving anyone else, he didn't exactly care what happened to his so-called friends but he wasn't a snitch.

The tallest police officer Sergeant Derby looked extremely uneasy, he was meant to be keeping an eye on Cole but every few seconds he jumped on to his feet, paced up and down the corridor or made frantic hushed phone calls.

Curiosity finally got the better of Cole.

"Did something happen? Why is everyone acting so strange?"

He didn't know why but his heart was speeding up, beating in an irregular fashion and he felt dazed like he wasn't really in the cramped room.

"There was a fire"

Cole was surprised Derby had even answered his question, he was a juvenile delinquent after all, but Derby wouldn't meet his eyes.

"Son, where did you say you lived?"

He'd filled out the form as soon as he arrived at the police station, he didn't understand why the question was even relevant, weren't they meant to have called his parents right now?

"Fern Tree Lane, why?"

The man's face went white, he had to sit down on the spinning chair, he looked like he'd rather be anywhere else but that room at this moment.

"What number...?" he managed.

"46 but why?" Cole was beginning to really panic now, something was wrong, something was so very wrong.


"Stop calling me that!"

"There was a fire... thats were all the officers have been, a massive fire, we're not sure how exactly it started but what we do know is that there have been casualties"

Time stopped.

"A fire where?"

"46 and 47 Fern Tree Lane"

Derby tried reaching a consoling hand out him but Cole shrugged it off.

"Your lying, if this is some kind of twisted joke, some kind of way to make me confess it isn't working, your a liar"

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