How To Escape

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"A week?"

Cole's Mother nodded, looking as unhappy about the situation as he was.

"So Chase gets a week away, a holiday that Dad's paying for even though were supposedly broke?"

"It's not a holiday of the sorts, he's going camping its not exactly Barbados"

She was trying to make it sound more fair, like Chase was being forced to go camping for a week.

"Whatever" he was so sick and tired of this family and their excuses, no one said what they really thought, they all just dodged around the truth hoping to avoid awkwardness.

"Cole..." she tried sounding desperate now, but there was literally nothing he wanted to hear from her right now.

His anger made him daring, yesterday Mark had suggested a plan a crazy plan that would surely end up with them all in a prison cell, this time they weren't going of the small catch, trying to score a couple of shoes and sell them on at a higher price, this time he wanted them to target a high end store, with actual security, and much more items to steal.

He'd been reluctant and hadn't given Mark a straight answer, small time crimes were a different matter when compared to stealing valuable goods, that got you a criminal record if you were caught, but he was feeling reckless and angry at the fact that he had to stay in this depressing house while Chase flounced off to Pentville for a week.

He hadn't seen his father for days and when he finally set eyes on him it only strengthened his anger, his Father was absolutely pathetic, the epitome of everything he would never want to become, he was a lazy man, a cheating husband and a crap father. 

More interested in the grey hairs on his head than his two sons and wife, happy to throw away money they didn't have.

"Alright son, studying hard?"

Cole rolled his eyes, the man was clueless, he asked him the same question everyday even though they both knew his attendance at school was at rock bottom, it was like his Dad wanted him to spin a story, to pretend everything was fantastic and going amazingly well, he wondered if in his mind his Dad actually viewed the world like that, everyone was happy in this dream world, and he was the happiest.

He ignored the man as he left the room, pointless conversation would not be on his mind today, he bumped into Chase on his way out and wanted to scream with frustration, why must he be surrounded by idiots?

"Cole please get over this, I want us to be good again"


There wasn't a possibility, he pushed past him and saw the face they shared crumple with hurt.

He didn't care.

Walking round to the bike shed Cole realised that what he needed was an escape, without one he would be sure to do something rash and land himself in trouble.

He closed his eyes and took out his phone, opening up the Maps app, then with his eyes closed he let his finger hover over the map before landing on a location, Charlie and him used to do this trick often, when you wanted to escape it was best to pick a random place where nobody knew who you were.

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