Life Goes On

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Florence worked tirelessly that day, she called up Natalie and scheduled three interviews for that week, one with the mental health charity 'Mind', she had the public presence to make a real difference, what she said would be sure to feature on th...

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Florence worked tirelessly that day, she called up Natalie and scheduled three interviews for that week, one with the mental health charity 'Mind', she had the public presence to make a real difference, what she said would be sure to feature on the news now that Dysmorphia had sold over 400,000 copies and counting worldwide.

But today it wasn't interviews with world-famous magazines that was causing her hands to tremor as she applied her burgundy lipstick, it was a school visit.

Treena Appleby, the schools secretary had squealed with delight and dropped the phone when she'd called yesterday to inform her that she would be in attendance at Phillipson High the following day for anti-bullying week, no one had really expected her to go, she herself hadn't been expecting to go, but she'd received an email yesterday that had changed everything, it was her personal email so she had opened it immediately.

And what she read had made her sob wholeheartedly.

It had been from a girl named Lydia Thompson, a Year 11 who had been put on The List that year, who had been named the FBPG, Florence's stomach had tied into uneasy knots when she'd read that, which turned to a smile as she continued to read about how Lydia had never had so many friends surrounding her, how people were protecting her and had reported The List's Facebook account so often that it had been taken down.

"A year ago" she had written "Being put on the list as the FBPG would have been the worst thing I could possibly imagine, I saw the whole school turn on you, I saw how your friends abandoned you, but now Florence because of you the List holds no power anymore, people laugh at those who mention it, its worse than nothing, irrelevant to everyday life and from the bottom of my heart I thank you"

She had closed her laptop and hugged it tight to her chest, imagining she was hugging Lydia, who didn't deserve to be on the List, who had seen brighter days than she had, this girl looked up to her, she was inspired by her story and she couldn't let the hope die out of her, she needed to be there at the assembly speaking for those people whose voices were never heard, they needed a platform.

So that was how she found herself straightening the collar of her black dress and experimenting with her hair down or up.

"It looks better down"

Florence jumped, she hadn't realised Cole was up, it still surprised her that her little pep talk had resounded with him and he was actually getting things done, he was actually dressed smartly.

"Where are you going?"

"Job hunting" he smiled bashfully "About time I stopped being a lazy layabout sponging off you and... Chase"

She smiled back, glad he was making the effort.

"Good luck" she said.

Looking into the mirror at the both of them standing side by side she was reminded of the time Chase had brought her a mirror, she'd looked into it and saw a sad, sad, broken girl, now she saw a strong and independent woman, and a nervous looking boy standing behind her.

"You'll be fine" she reassured Cole, and he would be, his grades at school had actually been pretty decent and when he wanted to he could be gentlemanly, obedient and well-mannered.

She felt like she should hug him, or pat him on the shoulder, or something, this seemed like a pivotal moment in their relationship, if you could even call it a relationship.

She decided to go in for a hug just at the same time he turned towards her and their foreheads bumped.

"Ouch!" they both said at the same time.

And then she was laughing, laughing harder than she had laughed in weeks, belly aching, painful laughter, her tears were flowing but this time with joy she was suddenly so inexplicably happy, she was elated, the world was a great place to be.

Cole joined in her laughter and the two of them collapsed onto the rug as she clutched at her belly waiting for the laughter to subside.

When the laughter finally stopped she turned to face Cole, he was so close she could count every single freckle on his face.

She reached out one hand and pushed a stray curl away from his face.

"What are you thinking?" he asked staring right back at her.

"That it's strange for two people who've been through so much to be lying here, breathless from laughter" she replied truthfully

"Yeah" he replied he looked confused, a slight wrinkle on his forehead.

Then to her surprise he quickly jumped onto his feet.

"Well I've got my interviews and you've got your assembly" he held out his hand to her and she took it hauling herself up.

For some reason the smile had died off her face, Cole left quietly slipping on his jacket.

She looked at herself in the mirror again, brushing out her hair with her fingertips

Why did she suddenly feel like crying with sadness?

No, she wasn't going to cry because it had taken her almost ten minutes to apply her eye makeup, she didn't want to look like a smudged wreck, she breathed in and out, in and out and then put on her own jacket and closed the door behind her.

Natalie was waiting for her with the chauffeur outside the flat, she hugged her tight to her and handed her a smoking cup which she gratefully expected, she needed some warmth inside of her.

They drew up at the school gates far too soon.

And then they were climbing out of the car, Natalie's hand on hers.

Phillipson High had a new principal, Rita Gupta, she was a slight asian woman with a wide smile, Florence instantly liked her, she looked like the type of woman who accomplished things, who didn't just give meaningless speeches and hope for the best.

She held onto Florence's hand.

"You are truly an inspiration Miss Clarke" she said, smiling.

"Thank you" Florence said back feeling a lump in her throat.

"I'm sorry for what you had to go through here, truly I am, I hope this visit will be alot more pleasant than the horrible year you spent here, these kids, Miss Florence when I announced you would be speaking at the event their eyes lit up, you should have seen them, your a beacon of hope"

Florence was now smiling tearfully.

"Thank you Mrs Gupta"

Natalie was sniffing herself, she took Florence's released hand.

"Ready?" she asked.

Florence nodded.

She was so ready.

She was so ready

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