You've Got A Friend In Me

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Many people would probably find it strange that Florence had forgiven Cooper, but she didn't find it strange at all, life was short, what was the point in holding on to worthless and petty arguments when you could be a better person when you could forgive?

Not forgiving someone and holding a grudge usually hurt you more, made you more bitter than the person you were holding the anger against.

And the good times with Cooper outweighed the stale memory of that year, she had been by her side, albeit tearfully at Prom and had talked to her at the risk of losing her status at Phillipson High, which she had. Lauren and Madison hadn't even made the effort to reach out to her, but she didn't hold it against them, it wasn't their fault that they'd let materialistic and the vain problems of being a teenager get in the way of what had been a real friendship. Maybe one day they would wake up and realise they were living lives they didn't truly want to live, or perhaps not.

She needed someone who understood her, who had known her for years, so she was relieved when Cooper picked up. 

"What do you mean Florence, are you okay?" Cooper asked sharply "Where are you?"

"I'm... I'm at Chase's flat Cooper, remember I went to go and get his brother" Florence anxiously picked at her fingernail, Cooper knew most of her story but she didn't know how much Chase had really affected her life.

"Oh..." Cooper was silent for a moment.

"So how's the mystery brother then?" 

Florence didn't know how to answer, it was hard to describe Cole, he was strange, probably the most bipolar person she had ever met.

"He's okay, I just don't know how to react around him, his brother's gone and he never thinks before he speaks" she lowered her voice remembering that Cole was still in the flat.

"What do you need me to do to help?" asked Cooper "Cause I'll come round there and camp out if you need me, Flo"

Florence was touched by the gesture, but she felt like another person in the flat would make this complicated situation even more complicated.

"No it's fine Coops, thanks for the offer though, I just needed to talk to someone about all of this, I guess its just all so strange and it's all suddenly building up with the book deal and my phone constantly going off with notifications"

"You need a break," Cooper said firmly "Turn off your phone, don't answer any calls, just take this week for yourself Flo, don't let things get out of control again I don't want to see you back to how you were before, ever again"

Florence ran her hands through her hair, massaging her temple, she did need to take a break, she was allowing her life to become hectic once more, and hectic meant that she would slip back into bad habits without even wanting to.

"Thanks, Coops, I'm going to try and get some sleep now" she certainly wasn't going to sleep that night but she didn't want her friend to worry.

"Bye hon, and remember what I said take it easy" Cooper made a kissing sound and then hung up.

Florence hadn't really looked around Chase's room, she was too afraid of what she would find, she had mostly just stuck to sleeping in here, and still she didn't feel ready to look in the chest of drawers or peruse the white cupboards, she had this idealised image of Chase in her mind and she didn't want to ruin that by finding something in here that would distort her view of him.

Chase was perfect, and she wanted nothing ruining that perfection.

The next day she left a note on the fridge telling Cole she had gone out, she needed to walk the streets, breathe in the fresh air and just stop feeling so claustrophobic 

Phillipson was beautiful at this time of the morning, the birds chirped optimistically and their just seemed to be possibility hanging in the air as anything could happen.

She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, letting her lungs fill with the air that informed her that she was still here, still breathing and still fighting.

She was so immersed in the world around her that she didn't notice the guy in front of her until it was too late and she had crashed into him, his coffee cup went spilling onto the floor, and almost in slow motion, she saw the honey-coloured liquid spill all over her new suede boots.

Florence gasped. 

Why was she such a klutz?

"Oh my God!" she said "I'm so sorry" 

She looked up and saw that she had managed to completely soak his shirt.

He had turned the colour of a strawberry, no red as a tomato.

"It's fine" he muttered "Your boots look way more expensive than some shirt I have five of"

She took in his appearance, he had the curliest blonde hair she had ever seen, there was literally a forest of curls on top of his head.

It wasn't until cleared his throat awkwardly that she realised she had been fixated on his hair.

If there were any holes going spare in the neighbourhood, she'd love to crawl down one and not get out for a long time.

She hurriedly opened her silver clutch and pulled out her purse, and took out a twenty-pound note 

"Here, this should cover it" she said holding out the money

He shook his head "I couldn't, I wasn't looking where I was going either"

"I insist" she said, he finally looked up and she was shocked to see that one of his eyes was black and the other was blue, the effect was startling, she had never seen someone with black eyes and blonde hair.

She wasn't going to stare, staring was rude, and he probably had enough stares coming his way.

She stared.

He accepted the money, though reluctantly.

"Florence" she said holding out her hand, she didn't want this stranger only remembering her as the girl who had ruined his shirt and probably his breakfast.

"Alex" he said shaking her hand back.

Freckles dusted his entire nose, and forehead it looked like someone had sprinkled cinnamon over his pale skin.

She was entranced, never before had she seen a face so peculiar, but so right at the same time.

Another awkward clearing of his throat, she was clinging onto his hand like a madwoman, she released it.

"Nice to meet you Alex"

"You too" he probably didn't mean that.

"Well... I have a bus to catch so I guess I'll see you around..."

Oh God, he obviously wanted to sprint away from her.

"Yeah, I guess" she replied counting the stones on the pavement, and watching his shadow as he walked away.

Her happiness bubble had been popped, she was still the same old awkward Florence Clarke, socially anxious, unable to talk to people and master of avoiding eye contact.

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