Just For A Moment

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And then, just for a moment, everything was perfect.

Absolutely perfect, Florence felt like she was flying, swooping in the air and nothing, nothing could bring her down.

"What? What happened?" Cooper looked startled at her sudden smile and change of mood.

"It's Cole! I was about to tell you, he's been in a coma and my friend Charlie just called me and he's woken up Coops, Cole has woken up!"

She couldn't keep the excited squeak out of her voice, everything seemed to be slotting into place, her friendship with Cooper was solid again, she'd uncovered the past, spoke to Levi and was ready for the future, the only thing stopping her from being completely happy had been Cole in that hospital bed.

Florence threw her arms around a bemused Cooper.

"I'm so sorry Coops but I have to go to the hospital, like now! I'll call you later!"

She was already walking out of the door, eager, so eager to get to her car, to be there and see with her own two eyes that Cole was going to be okay, that those eyes were open and awake, that soon she wouldn't be alone in their flat anymore.

Florence was impatient, so impatient as she waited for the traffic to clear, this was torture up ahead she could see the sign for the hospital but in front of her a yellow lorry had decided to block her path into that hospital.

She didn't usually beep on her horn, it was a rude thing to do, but today she beeped to her hearts content, she needed to be in there.

Finally, there was a clearing, she drove at an almost dangerous pace into the car park, hastily parked and then sprinted into the hospital, skipping out on the lift, today her adrenaline and pure happiness would allow her to charge up those steps.

She reached the ward in a rush of flashing lights and conversing patients, her head throbbing.

As she entered the room her eyes registered Charlie near the bed holding steadfast to Cole's hand and a Doctor in the corner adjusting the machines, swapping a bag full of grey liquid for a clear substance.

But whilst her eyes may have seen everything, her heart screamed out one word, and one word alone.


Cole was sitting up on the bed, looking pale, looking shaken and bedraggled but so unmistakably alive and awake.


Charlie noticed her then, her eyes were filled with happy tears which had left tracks all down her face.

"Florence theres something-"

Florence ignored her, she launched herself at Cole, hugging him tightly not even stopping to think about whether this looked proper or not, or whether this could interfere with whatever the doctor was doing.

"I missed you so much"

It was only after a minute that she realised that whilst she was trying her best to squeeze Cole to death, his arms remained limply by his side and his expression was one of utter confusion.

She pulled away, suddenly feeling less like she was on cloud nine and more like she had been dropped from a height and then winded.

Descent (Dysmorphia Series #2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora