How To Get Caught

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The first thing that Cole thought of that morning was his day spent in Phillipson, he'd read a book years ago which was all about a theory, that there were multiple lifestreams all at once, and in one of them if you met someone you wouldn't exactly remember them, but a faint memory of them would still live on in your mind, it was all absolutely crazy of course but it would explain why he felt like this wasn't the first time he and this girl had met.

But today there were more pressing matters to worry about, Chase was leaving with his now girlfriend Tara, who was about as dull to speak to as it was watching paint dry, honestly there was no accounting for his twin's taste.

He didn't feel so bitter about the camping trip now, he guessed it wouldn't be to fun.

And he had other things to worry about, namely the robbery they were trying to pull off at Grayson's superstore tomorrow and he was actually scared for once, he wasn't used to the panicked feeling that had appeared in his chest and he didn't like it, not one bit.

Perhaps it was Mark, the twenty-one year old always made him feel uneasy, technically they were friends, 'buddies' but he wasn't sure that Mark was the type of person he wanted to be friends with, he was rough and had been inside a young offenders institute, he wasn't like the rest of them, doing crazy things for the thrill, he seemed to enjoy inflicting pain on others.

But he couldn't back out now not now he had told Marley, Jason and Pete that he would be there, his job was the same as it always was, to get the 'goods' he was stealthy, could run fast and looked young for his age, the group reasoned that no one would suspect him.

Mike would do the 'distracting' though he didn't know what that would entail, Marley was the planner, she would stay in the car, and Jason was essentially their getaway driver.

He was distracted from his frantic thinking by a commotion downstairs, the great Chase was leaving of course, though he was still mad at him something dragged him out of the bed and to the front door where his Mother was embracing his brother like she'd never see him again.

Cole held back an eye-roll, he would be nice just this one time.

Even their Father had managed an awkward shoulder pat.

Cole reached forwards to shake Chase's hand, but was pulled into a hug, he stayed there for five seconds just forgetting the whole messy Charlie ordeal before pulling away.

"Have a nice trip" he managed, Chase gave him a wide, genuine smile.

And suddenly he didn't want him to go, he wanted Chase to stay here and annoy the hell out of him with some stupid thing he was doing, he wanted the boring lectures, the condescending tone and the unwanted parenting.

Chase was right, they had been close once, and they lived under the same roof with the same deranged parents... things would be strange without his duplicate wandering around the place, though he despised him sometimes, Chase's presence was reassuring like nothing too bad could happen as long as he watched over them.

But Cole didn't say any of this, instead he gave a shrug and half-smile and watched his brother pick up his bag and leave the house with a note of finality.

Something felt wrong, so very wrong, there was a kind of thick silence hanging over them, like there was an imminent danger in the room, he had wished now that he had never said yes to Mike's ludicrous plan, they were all going to get caught, what would happen to his parents if he was arrested with no Chase to calm them down?

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