Avery:that's great news Elijah I can't wait to see you

Elijah:by the time I get to the manor you should be sleeping my love don't wait up for me i mean it Avery

Avery:I won't I promise you that Elijah

Elijah:now I better go I have traffic to beat and a gorgeous soon to be wife I need to get home to

Avery:yeah you do I hope she treats you well and speak to you soon I love you

Elijah:speak to you soon my love and I love you too

I hanged up the phone and walked back to the living room to find Damon laying on the couch sound asleep my dad was watching TV not even paying attention to what Damon was doing I walked over to them and sat down on top of Damon stomach making his eyes open

"Avery seriously you weight a ton what have you been eating"Damon said to me

"Damon I am not fat stop messing with me"I replied back to him as I crossed my arms and looked at the ground with a sad look on my face

Damon quickly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him he made sure that I was comfortable before closing his eyes

"Avery Damon don't go to sleep there I need you guys awake"my dad said to us as we opened our eyes and looked at him

I got up as Damon did the same as we just sat there and watched the Tv till it was time for us to leave and go to the Manor

At the Manor

Damon dropped me off at the manor I told him that I didn't want him to come inside as I could handle being on my own for a couple of hours and he warned me to call him if I needed anything even if it was just a cuddle I was still to call him what can I do with him

I walked into the Manor and when I did I made sure the front door was locked behind me as I went into the kitchen and grabbed myself a ice cream cone I began eating that when someone knocked on the front door I didn't answer it as I was scared too I mean I was just in the house

"Avery it's me"I heard a familiar voice say but it wasn't any of the Originals it was one of their friends

I walked over to the front door and opened it and saw Hayley Klaus fiancé standing there with Hope beside her holding her hand they walked into the house

"Everything okay"I asked them

"Everything is fine we came back early as we wanted to make sure you were okay and so is the baby orders from Elijah since before he could head out of town Klaus called him and told him to come back lucky we left last night since I had a feeling something like this was going to happen"Hayley replied back as we all walked into the living room and sat down onto the couches looking at each other

"Aunt Avery can I see the baby scan"Hope asked me I smiled and nodded to her

I opened my bag that was sitting beside me on the couch and pulled out the last baby scan picture since before I left my dad apartment I left the baby scan on his counter I handed it to Hope who looked at it with Hayley they both smiled at it

"This baby is going to be the cutest baby ever"Hope said

Me and Hayley laughed at what she said

"Elijah told me to tell you that he loves you and the baby so much and he can't wait to see you both"Hayley said

I nodded as we all just sat there watching TV till it was time for dinner

At Dinner time

Hayley and i made Chicken with Rice since we weren't in the mood for anything mega heavy so we settled for that

"So Hope hows school going do you like it"I asked Hope

"Yeah i do i have gotten along with 2 people and they are witches as well we have been teaching each other spells that we have learned from our families but dad said not to do magic in the playground when all of the kids are doing it it's not fair"Hope replied back as she finished chewing

"That's because your dad doesn't want you hurting your self or any other kids that are playing in the play ground he is protecting you trust me i would be the say if that was my kids"I said to her

"So he is right"Hope said

"Yes he is right he is just looking out for you Sweetie"Hayley replied back to her daughter

Hope smiled as we continued to eat our dinner, once we were done i picked up the dishes and began washing them Hayley took Hope up the stairs to run Hope a bath she told me she would dry them since she wanted me to rest and put my feet up since that what Klaus had her doing when she was pregnant with Hope

"Okay Hope bath is running so i can come and dry the dishes for you now go and put your feet up Missy"Hayley said to me

"Okay okay your so bossy"I replied back to her

She laughed as i began walked into the living room i sat down on the couch and sighed i really wish Elijah was here with me cuddling me and rubbing my stomach but he isn't and i don't when he is coming back

"Hey that's the dishes dried so what do you want to do now"Hayley asked me

"I have no clue sleep since i'm tired"I replied back to her

"Well you go and sleep and i will put Hope to bed and i will do the house work "Hayley said

I nodded to her as i stood up and walked to the stairs but before i did i said goodnight to Hayley then i made my way up the stairs and to mine and Elijah bedroom i changed into my PJ's and when i did i heard the front door opening then closing but i ignored it as it must be Hayley checking to see if the front was open or not but it was i walked over to my side of the bed and climbed into it man was i tried i was about to fall asleep when i heard the bedroom door opening then closing making me to stay awake but i kept my eyes closed i heard footsteps and clothes coming off must be Hope returning the jacket that i left in her room the other day but when the person got into bed with me i knew it wasn't Hope i felt it's arms go around my waist and pulled me closer to their bare chest i knew who it was when it opened it's mouth and began speaking

"Goodnight my love"Elijah said

i smiled and cuddled into his embrace as we both fell fast asleep in each other embrace

Chapter 22 on way

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