I started the engine once again and buckled up. I was about to leave when I saw Cayden enter the Subway restaurant, I furrowed my eyebrows for some unknown reason, wondering why is he there. I then chose to ignore it and just started driving back home.


Once I got back home, I parked my car outside the garage. After I was done parking my car, I exited the car and locked it. I walked towards the front porch and heard a couple of laughs just as I was about to get inside.

The laughs were so loud, it made me cringe for some unknown reason. I searched inside my bag for the house keys and once I found them, I hurriedly inserted it inside the key hole and unlocked the door.

The laugh started getting louder and it made me want to cover my ears in total shock and annoyance. I walked inside, closed the front door behind me. I try to walk past the living room fast but my presence was just felt by my mother.

"Oh honey, you're home! Want to join us?" She asked. I then stopped tip toeing, stood up straight and looked at her straight into the eyes and shake my head in reply to say no.

"I have something to do," I said as I adjusted the strap of my bag.  She then drinks the red wine that she's holding in her hands and just nodded her head.

"I see. I wanted to introduce you to"

My phone suddenly starts ringing, cutting my mom's word short. "I really need to finish my school work, I'll probably meet him next time," I said. I then pulled out my phone inside my pocket and slide the button to answer the call.

While I was walking upstairs, I heard Amelia's warm greeting, making me plaster a smile on my face by just hearing how joyful she is. "Can I get a hoyeahhhhh?" She said loudly, making me distance my phone from my ears as I cringe at her.

I entered my room and placed my bag down on my bedside table. I then took out some comfortable clothes out of my closet as I talk to Amelia, "What's up? You sound very hyper and happy today," I said.

"Well, I am because the Principal just announced that there will be no classes next week!" She shouted, making me distance the phone from my ear once again and rolled my eyes playfully at how weird she is.

"Probably, it's because of spring break," I said as I roll my eyes at her. By just mentioning spring break, it makes me so happy. I'm quite excited to spend my spring break outside my house and not always inside my house even though sometimes I find it very fun and boring at the same time.

As a high school student, it's not like it's required to have fun with your friends during breaks and spend it outdoors, It's just... you'll feel like your life isn't complete because you lack fun. You'll always feel hesitant at times and tell yourself that "I should've gone with them."

Trust me, I've been there.

"Let's go shopping the day after tomorrow!" She squeals and I can't help but roll my eyes at her once again.

"For what exactly?" I questioned and there was a long pause after I asked that, I can already sense that she just rolled her eyes at me.

"Duh, for our clothes! We have nothing to wear, dummy." She said and I can't help but chuckle at her. Amelia and her never-ending shopping trips to Forever 21, New Yorker and Aéropostale.

"Not me. I have tons of clothes here, I can just pack those up and wear"

"Eshh... Shut up. You're not bringing any of that disgusting clothes. We'll be buying new ones that can show off your style. Don't bury or hide that style of yours, it needs to break free." She said and I just chuckled at how jejune she is.

"Fine," I give in. It's not like I want to try a new style, it's just... You just gotta live once, you know. YOLO and I'm willing to try any possibilities in my life, even if it includes damaging my reputation to have fun.

Well, not really damage my reputation for good. Probably, for just a day or so. Here in high school, people need to learn how to be free, like a bird, soaring high up in the sky. Bring out the best in you that others haven't seen before. Be that kind of person who you want to be, don't ever fake it.

"Great, see you then!" Amelia said, I then murmur to myself and she ended the call a few seconds after that. I placed my phone on my bed, grabbed a towel to take a refreshing bath. I entered the bathroom and stripped down all of my clothes.

I then hopped in the shower and turned on the faucet, adjusting it to a normal temperature. Once I was done taking a refreshing shower, I hopped out, turned off the faucet and dry myself up with my fluffy white towel.

I then wore some comfortable clothes and went towards my closet to grab a comb to brush my hair. When I finished brushing my hair, I hang my wet towel inside the bathroom and walked towards my working table and turned on my laptop.

I started searching scholarships online and suddenly, my phone makes this weird noise and heard it buzzed at the same time. I stood up from the chair and went to grab my phone to check who texted me and saw that Ethan left me a message a few minutes ago but I received it late.

I think something's wrong with my phone.

Ethan <7:48 pm, Thursday> Hey, I need to talk to you about something.

I wonder to myself if I should reply with a "Yeah, what is it?" or reply "I'm busy." but if I did tell him that I'm busy, it would sound a bit harsh, don't you think? 

Hailey <7:50 pm, Thursday> Yeah sure, what is it?

I sent him. I then turned off my phone and placed it on my working table as I continue to surf on the internet. When I caught something on the internet, my eyes widen. It made me happy at the same time and very confusing.

Receive an Extra 50% off All Menu Priced Pizzas. 

That sounds like a great deal to me. My phone suddenly rings and buzzed at the same time, I then took it and slide to unlock the new message from Ethan. 

Ethan <7:51 pm, Thursday> Let's meet up.

And for that, I didn't hesitate but to just agree to it. I grabbed my car keys, wore an oversized hoodie and changed my PJ's into comfortable skinny black jeans. I grabbed my phone with me and rushed down stairs and left the house in just a few seconds.


Hello again! I'm so sorry if it took me one week to update ONE chapter and my sincere apologies. I've been going through so much... School and relationships suck both at the same time. So yeah, here it is...

I hope you guys liked this new chapter or probably hate me because I made you wait for such a long time. But, don't you worry... It's already here. Don't forget to like, comment your thoughts and share this story to your friends.

As always, Carry On and Happy Reading!~

- The Author

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